Cat blogging spaghetti sauce

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Cooking spaghetti this afternoon for dinner. Ingredients thus far:

  • 2 onions, finely chopped
  • 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1 cup Riesling white whine
  • 1 tsp kosher salt
  • Cracked black pepper to taste
  • 1 can crushed tomatoes
  • 1 lb turkey meatballs
  • 1 tsp olive oil

Cook onions and garlic in butter and olive oil until light brown. Drink the Riesling. Add salt and pepper. Throw in meatballs. Add tomatoes. Simmer for a long time. Eat on pasta.


13 responses to “Cat blogging spaghetti sauce”

  1. Dale Cruse Avatar

    Riesling seems like an odd pairing, Chris. I would think a splosh of Bordeaux or a nice Cotes de Rhone would be the way to go. That’s what we do with Courtney’s spaghetti sauce.

  2. Dale Cruse Avatar

    Riesling seems like an odd pairing, Chris. I would think a splosh of Bordeaux or a nice Cotes de Rhone would be the way to go. That’s what we do with Courtney’s spaghetti sauce.

  3. Courtney Avatar

    Ok, I made a big batch of sauce today too, and there were a total of SIX cloves of garlic in mine. Two rough chopped, the other four minced. One onion, NO butter, and NO meat. I think I probably made twice as much sauce as you, because I opened four cans of tomato products, diced, sauce, and paste.

    I have yet to cook the meat with the sauce, largely because I don’t like the greasy film at the top. I’ll add meat to taste after the sauce is cooked. I’m freezing most of it, to have on hand. My mother is half Italian, and my recipe is a mutation of hers, Mario Batali’s, and my own ideas about sauce. Last night, I made my first puttanesca sauce as well, and THAT kicked ass.

    And, you’re absolutely right. Riesling is for drinking, not for sauce. 😉

  4. Courtney Avatar

    Ok, I made a big batch of sauce today too, and there were a total of SIX cloves of garlic in mine. Two rough chopped, the other four minced. One onion, NO butter, and NO meat. I think I probably made twice as much sauce as you, because I opened four cans of tomato products, diced, sauce, and paste.

    I have yet to cook the meat with the sauce, largely because I don’t like the greasy film at the top. I’ll add meat to taste after the sauce is cooked. I’m freezing most of it, to have on hand. My mother is half Italian, and my recipe is a mutation of hers, Mario Batali’s, and my own ideas about sauce. Last night, I made my first puttanesca sauce as well, and THAT kicked ass.

    And, you’re absolutely right. Riesling is for drinking, not for sauce. 😉

  5. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Dale – you raise a good point, except for one thing. I had exactly two adult beverages in the house – a bottle of Riesling, and a bottle of tequila. I opted for the former!

    The Riesling doesn’t go in the sauce – it goes in YOU. 🙂

  6. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Dale – you raise a good point, except for one thing. I had exactly two adult beverages in the house – a bottle of Riesling, and a bottle of tequila. I opted for the former!

    The Riesling doesn’t go in the sauce – it goes in YOU. 🙂

  7. Dale Cruse Avatar

    Time for a liquor store run!

  8. Dale Cruse Avatar

    Time for a liquor store run!

  9. Sammy The Killer Avatar

    Wow, the Riesling white wine is probably a great addition.

  10. Sammy The Killer Avatar

    Wow, the Riesling white wine is probably a great addition.

  11. Sherri Adams Avatar

    Sounds like a nice recipe (and I agrree, the tequila wouldn't have worked so well!)

    I could see adding some spicy italian sausage to this to give it a bit of a kick … turkey tends to be so bland, I think it would be a good addition.

  12. Sherri Adams Avatar

    Sounds like a nice recipe (and I agrree, the tequila wouldn't have worked so well!)

    I could see adding some spicy italian sausage to this to give it a bit of a kick … turkey tends to be so bland, I think it would be a good addition.

  13. Sherri Adams Avatar

    Sounds like a nice recipe (and I agrree, the tequila wouldn't have worked so well!)

    I could see adding some spicy italian sausage to this to give it a bit of a kick … turkey tends to be so bland, I think it would be a good addition.

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