Chris Brogan and I extend to you an invitation to hang out in Stockholm, Sweden, June 12-13, 2007 for PodCamp Europe. Jeff Pulver‘s organization, VON, is donating an enormous big room (or two) and we’re going to fill it with fun stuff and people – including you, ideally.
As with all PodCamps, it’s free to attend (excepting PodCruise Miami, which is technically free to anyone on the boat, but you have to pay to get on the boat) and will provide a great community gathering place for podcasters, bloggers, and new media folks around Europe.
Warning in advance to participants: I apologize for being American, and therefore functionally unilingual, though I think I can ask about the restroom (washroom/privy/loo) in a couple of languages. As we roll with the process, those of you in the international community, please help Chris and I with our unintentional but highly probable cultural faux-pas, like formatting dates incorrectly and other stuff. We thank you in advance for your help.
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