Fuel for the engine

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

In talking with a friend tonight, I posed the question:

“What do you feed your brain with?”

Power comes from within you. True, there’s a lot to be said for things like money and Rolodexes, power lunches, etc. but these are outward symbols of what’s going on inside your mind. The conversation got me to thinking about some of the things I fuel my brain with, and that in turn got me thinking about publishing a list of some of my favorite pieces of brain food. All of the food below is free to access!

1. Mitch Joel at PodCamp Toronto – Building your personal brand. This is a 45 minute video that is worth paying for, but amazingly is free. If you finish watching this and your personal sense of identity is not refined, you need to watch it again.

2. Malcolm Gladwell on Spaghetti Sauce – TED conference. A great session that gets you thinking about choice and happiness.

3. Julien Smith discusses SEO – a great primer and refresher on the basics of search optimization. If you have any desire to understand the real power behind monetization and podcasting, then you need to listen to this episode of Canadian Podcast Buffet.

4. Managing the Gray with C.C. Chapman – a great marketing podcast that will get you thinking about new media.

5. New Comm Road with Bryan Person – a far more tactical perspective of the tools of new media, with techniques and specifics for implementation.

6. Tony Robbins at TED – another great video on what makes human beings tick. Tony’s legendary in the human performance community and his stuff is ALWAYS worth watching.

7. Stephen K. Hayes. Master instructor, master practitioner of ninjutsu, just about everything he does and creates is instantly usable and worthwhile. Some stuff will take a decade or so to marinate. His speech, Faces in the Mandala, is a must-read.

My good friend Chel also reminds us that there’s great music to be had all over the place that is a profound source of inspiration as well. That is an entirely different blog post.


9 responses to “Fuel for the engine”

  1. Dan Schawbel Avatar

    Mitch’s presentation on Personal Branding is very good, as you noted.

    I preach about this subject in my blog all the time as well

  2. Dan Schawbel Avatar

    Mitch’s presentation on Personal Branding is very good, as you noted.

    I preach about this subject in my blog all the time as well

  3. Bryan Person, Bryper.com Avatar


    Honored to be included in a list with such august company. I’ll do my best to continue to produce brain-feeding content for you!

    –Bryan Person
    Host, New Comm Road

  4. Bryan Person, Bryper.com Avatar


    Honored to be included in a list with such august company. I’ll do my best to continue to produce brain-feeding content for you!

    –Bryan Person
    Host, New Comm Road

  5. […] Penn blew me away by sharing what exactly he feeds his engine with. For your own good, read and […]

  6. Mark Forman Avatar

    Wow this is an excellent and mostly new list to me. Watched the Gladwell audio and it was brilliant. Worked that side of the street myself and will include some anecdotes from my own experiences in upcoming biz marketing cast I’ll be doing. You’re great marketing media filter-keep up the good work!

  7. Mark Forman Avatar

    Wow this is an excellent and mostly new list to me. Watched the Gladwell audio and it was brilliant. Worked that side of the street myself and will include some anecdotes from my own experiences in upcoming biz marketing cast I’ll be doing. You’re great marketing media filter-keep up the good work!

  8. […] to give some text love to is Christopher S. Penn-my new media marketing filter of choice, just look here and enjoy those links. Oh name of podcast is “A” Connector Cast with site to be at […]

  9. […] Penn blew me away by sharing what exactly he feeds his engine with. For your own good, read and […]

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