A last thought before bed

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Another reason new media folks may not like to leave the fishbowl?

When you market outside your community, the rejection rate gets a LOT higher, and the rejections themselves can be a lot more vicious.

If you’re a nice, kind, easy-going person, as many in new media are, dealing with skyrocketing rejection rates can really sting.

As Clarence says, let it marinate.


6 responses to “A last thought before bed”

  1. julien Avatar

    that’s why people don’t like youtube comments… because those are REAL internet users, the baseline, and people don’t like to think of it that way.

  2. julien Avatar

    that’s why people don’t like youtube comments… because those are REAL internet users, the baseline, and people don’t like to think of it that way.

  3. Peter O'Connell Avatar

    the uneducated and the unsure are the fastest to reject and dismiss…a “new” concept or idea erodes their so-called power base or their area of expertise.

    they’ve forgotten over time that they built their reputations based on what was likely a new concept or a new way of thinking that THEY brought to the table.

    it’s like joining a private club…one is all gung ho about joining, thrilled about being accepted for membership and then vehement in his acceptance of new members…the ever evolving “I got mine” philosophy.

    how quickly we forget.

  4. Peter O'Connell Avatar

    the uneducated and the unsure are the fastest to reject and dismiss…a “new” concept or idea erodes their so-called power base or their area of expertise.

    they’ve forgotten over time that they built their reputations based on what was likely a new concept or a new way of thinking that THEY brought to the table.

    it’s like joining a private club…one is all gung ho about joining, thrilled about being accepted for membership and then vehement in his acceptance of new members…the ever evolving “I got mine” philosophy.

    how quickly we forget.

  5. […] around specific interests, like iPhones and conferences and that people call their communities “fishbowls” for a […]

  6. Internet Marketing Blog Avatar

    So true, stay in your Niche and target market whenever possible. I made some very bad decisions and didn’t do this and really wasted alot of time as a result.

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