PodCamp New Orleans!

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Tentative logo for PodCamp New OrleansAfter a great discussion, the unanimous vote is for a PodCamp New Orleans, so we’re beginning the process of organizing and building this event. The domain names, podcampneworleans.com and podcampneworleans.org were bought tonight – like most PodCamps, we’ll use the .org and redirect the .com name. Next steps:

  1. Create the organizing team. Who wants to be an organizer and help make this event a reality? Ideally, the organizing team will be more than 50% local New Orleans residents.
  2. Create the fundraising team. This is a departure from standard PodCamp procedure. Reasons for this will become clear shortly.
  3. Select a date. We’ll rely heavily on local organizers for this.
  4. Select a venue. We’ll rely heavily on local organizers for this.
  5. Get attendees.
  6. Get sponsors.
  7. Have the event.

The major departure from your standard PodCamp is the fundraising team, which is independent of the organizers. The goal for PodCamp New Orleans is going to be to raise a large pile of cash, and instead of reinvesting it in a future PodCamp or sending it back to the PodCamp Foundation, any leftover funds remaining will go to relief efforts as selected by both the organizing and fundraising teams. It will be good to bring new media’s storytellers to the area to tell the stories that aren’t being told. It will be better to bring new media and a war chest that can make real, tangible change.

If you’re interested in being a member of either team, please comment this post with your name and what team you want to be on. We’ll get the web site, registration, and other stuff up and running soon.


21 responses to “PodCamp New Orleans!”

  1. C.C. Chapman Avatar

    I love the idea. I love that this is about helping an area on all levels. Love it!

  2. C.C. Chapman Avatar

    I love the idea. I love that this is about helping an area on all levels. Love it!

  3. Michelle / chelpixie Avatar

    Put me anywhere you need me.

    Having read the discussion, I’m very excited that this is happening. Very touching and inspiring.

  4. Michelle / chelpixie Avatar

    Put me anywhere you need me.

    Having read the discussion, I’m very excited that this is happening. Very touching and inspiring.

  5. Dani Avatar

    This is a GREAT idea. No other way to express it, and I can’t wait to tell everyone I know about this.

    Simply beautiful. 🙂

  6. Dani Avatar

    This is a GREAT idea. No other way to express it, and I can’t wait to tell everyone I know about this.

    Simply beautiful. 🙂

  7. Dave Jackson Avatar

    Could we be inventing a true “no spin” direct to the public zone?


  8. Dave Jackson Avatar

    Could we be inventing a true “no spin” direct to the public zone?


  9. Christopher Johnston Avatar

    I guess since I started this whole thing I need to step up and be the organizer. Well actually I’ve already been working on that. I may already have a venue and I’ve been working with some local bloggers who are going to put me in touch with some local podcasters. Chris we need to get in touch soon but I’m on an information diet for a week so I’ll contact you around mid-week next week.

  10. Christopher Johnston Avatar

    I guess since I started this whole thing I need to step up and be the organizer. Well actually I’ve already been working on that. I may already have a venue and I’ve been working with some local bloggers who are going to put me in touch with some local podcasters. Chris we need to get in touch soon but I’m on an information diet for a week so I’ll contact you around mid-week next week.

  11. Clarence Avatar

    True, true. Can we get some cats who are already involved with the community to come lay some science on us during day 1? Terri Harris from ACORN comes to mind…

  12. Clarence Avatar

    True, true. Can we get some cats who are already involved with the community to come lay some science on us during day 1? Terri Harris from ACORN comes to mind…

  13. Mitch Joel Avatar

    You sure you don’t want to save that new logo for PodCamp Montreal (or Quebec)?


  14. Mitch Joel Avatar

    You sure you don’t want to save that new logo for PodCamp Montreal (or Quebec)?


  15. Shelly Brisbin Avatar

    This is a wonderful idea. Count me in on where ever it makes the most sense. I’ll be happy to cover the event before and after, too. There may be other ways we can help.
    -shelly, Blogger & Podcaster Magazine.

  16. Shelly Brisbin Avatar

    This is a wonderful idea. Count me in on where ever it makes the most sense. I’ll be happy to cover the event before and after, too. There may be other ways we can help.
    -shelly, Blogger & Podcaster Magazine.

  17. Michael Wentworth Avatar

    I am all for it!

    I invested 6 months of my life in NOLA, and due to the rules and regs of FEMA.. I was not as effective as I wanted to be, this will give me a chance to be more effective from here at home.

    Fantabulous IDEA!

    I look forward to helping out the rest of the team…

    Thanks Dani! for posting this on the network!


  18. Michael Wentworth Avatar

    I am all for it!

    I invested 6 months of my life in NOLA, and due to the rules and regs of FEMA.. I was not as effective as I wanted to be, this will give me a chance to be more effective from here at home.

    Fantabulous IDEA!

    I look forward to helping out the rest of the team…

    Thanks Dani! for posting this on the network!


  19. Joyce Bettencourt aka Rhiannon Chatnoir Avatar

    I also totally think this is a great idea. There is still so much that remains to be done to rebuild a once beautiful city full of great people, culture, food and music. Count me in to help!

    Also, back when the initial disaster happened Linden Lab donated 2 Second Life sims (named Big Easy, which contains a recreation of parts of the quarter, and Biloxi) to host charity relief efforts. These 2 sims still stand today and there are a few of us that still caretake them and host New Orleans/Katrina relief focused charity events there. We would be more than happy to have any podcamp New Orleans virtual events there. The podcamp rpirit and the vision of the New Orleans one’s fundraising events going towards relief efforts fits in completely with what those sims stand for. 🙂

  20. Joyce Bettencourt aka Rhiannon Avatar

    I also totally think this is a great idea. There is still so much that remains to be done to rebuild a once beautiful city full of great people, culture, food and music. Count me in to help!

    Also, back when the initial disaster happened Linden Lab donated 2 Second Life sims (named Big Easy, which contains a recreation of parts of the quarter, and Biloxi) to host charity relief efforts. These 2 sims still stand today and there are a few of us that still caretake them and host New Orleans/Katrina relief focused charity events there. We would be more than happy to have any podcamp New Orleans virtual events there. The podcamp rpirit and the vision of the New Orleans one’s fundraising events going towards relief efforts fits in completely with what those sims stand for. 🙂

  21. […] Podcamp New Orleans. […]

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