Truth hurts.

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Lower 9th Ward, New Orleans - 2007

Close your eyes when you don’t want to see
Stay at home when you don’t want to go
Only speak to those who will agree
Yeah, and close your mind when you don’t want to know

– Billy Joel, “Everybody Loves You Now”

This is a picture of the Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans, captured by Europa in 2007. Despite nearly 2 years since Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, little progress is being made in fairly large sections of New Orleans.

For perspective, how large is this region of the city? About 1.6 miles by 1.2 miles, or just under two square miles. If it were Manhattan, it’d be the same area from West 53rd to 19th and from 10th Avenue to Lexington Avenue – or most of midtown. If it were Boston, it’d be from Government Center to Kenmore Square and from the Charles River to Jamaica Plain – most of the western part of the city. Know San Francisco? The Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans is almost identical in size to all of Golden Gate National Park. Know DC? It’s the same area as the Lincoln Memorial to the Smithsonian by the Lincoln to Dupont Circle. Been to Disney World? The Lower 9th is the same size as the Magic Kingdom – plus Epcot, MGM, and the Animal Kingdom.

This is a large chunk of a major American city that has not been rebuilt.

Think about it.


10 responses to “Truth hurts.”

  1. Phillip Avatar

    I do have this to say (prompted by the “Something to say?” title at the bottom of the post…

    It’s obvious that there is either (a) no political will to get this done, and/or (b) there is too much corruption on the part of the governmental representatives to respond to the will of the people.

    Feel free to apply that to local, state and or federal government and/or agencies as appropriate!

  2. Michelle / chelpixie Avatar

    I thought about it and I’m angry.

    No questions, no answers.

    What to do?

  3. phillymac Avatar

    I do have this to say (prompted by the “Something to say?” title at the bottom of the post…

    It’s obvious that there is either (a) no political will to get this done, and/or (b) there is too much corruption on the part of the governmental representatives to respond to the will of the people.

    Feel free to apply that to local, state and or federal government and/or agencies as appropriate!

  4. Michelle / chelpixie Avatar

    I thought about it and I’m angry.

    No questions, no answers.

    What to do?

  5. John Wall Avatar

    One question that bothers me – should people live there? There are some places on our planet where you just shouldn’t put houses, and perhaps this is one of them?

    Of course this is no excuse to leave the place looking like a war zone, or to ignore those who have been displaced. Even if it’s never to be rebuilt, it should be cleaned up.

  6. John Wall Avatar

    One question that bothers me – should people live there? There are some places on our planet where you just shouldn’t put houses, and perhaps this is one of them?

    Of course this is no excuse to leave the place looking like a war zone, or to ignore those who have been displaced. Even if it’s never to be rebuilt, it should be cleaned up.

  7. Clarence Avatar

    Naturally it should be rebuilt — it housed 60% of the Black population that live in New Orleans according to some statistics. Politics have a hand in this — local and federal. The people are also responsible (i.e. the ones that can help, should).

    Recovery efforts in the Lower 9th Ward..wait, there are no significant recovery efforts in the Lower 9th Ward. The whole scenario is grimey. Honestly, I think the resurrection is going to have to start with and come from the cats who are local and can contribute (supported by us).

  8. Guest Avatar

    Naturally it should be rebuilt — it housed 60% of the Black population that live in New Orleans according to some statistics. Politics have a hand in this — local and federal. The people are also responsible (i.e. the ones that can help, should).

    Recovery efforts in the Lower 9th Ward..wait, there are no significant recovery efforts in the Lower 9th Ward. The whole scenario is grimey. Honestly, I think the resurrection is going to have to start with and come from the cats who are local and can contribute (supported by us).

  9. Amy Avatar

    It should be bulldozed. That area is a problem area, geographically speaking, and is now even lower than before(New Orleans is below sea level).

    To rebuild in an area that is destined to be devestated by the next hurricane is foolish and irresponsible.

  10. Amy Avatar

    It should be bulldozed. That area is a problem area, geographically speaking, and is now even lower than before(New Orleans is below sea level).

    To rebuild in an area that is destined to be devestated by the next hurricane is foolish and irresponsible.

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