Tune into this week’s Marketing Over Coffee, the best marketing podcast ever recorded in a doughnut shop with co-host John Wall. We discuss all manners of things, including what you can use FIOS for (and what you can but probably shouldn’t), along with how my show, the Financial Aid Podcast, tripled email subscribers.
I have FIOS and you don't, but John Wall does
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4 responses to “I have FIOS and you don't, but John Wall does”
We have to talk to CC, I think “I have FIOS and you don’t” is much more entertaining than Home 2.0
We have to talk to CC, I think “I have FIOS and you don’t” is much more entertaining than Home 2.0
Wow, never pegged you guys as the type to tease! I want my FiOS. Even if they were not a client I’d be screaming that. I sure hope they run the lines here soon!!!
Wow, never pegged you guys as the type to tease! I want my FiOS. Even if they were not a client I’d be screaming that. I sure hope they run the lines here soon!!!
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