An addictive little video

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

This one caught my eye. Not sure if it’s the tune, or the very well done animation, but it’s good stuff. Hat tip to Lisa Amorao on Facebook for pointing this out!



4 responses to “An addictive little video”

  1. julien Avatar

    super sweet! thanks for the tip.

  2. julien Avatar

    super sweet! thanks for the tip.

  3. Lisa Amorao Avatar

    Hi Christopher!

    Actually, Jeremiah Owyang twittered the link to the video and I liked it so much that I shared on FB.

    Talk about viral!

    Happy new year!


  4. Lisa Amorao Avatar

    Hi Christopher!

    Actually, Jeremiah Owyang twittered the link to the video and I liked it so much that I shared on FB.

    Talk about viral!

    Happy new year!


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