How I Organize My Mornings

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

someone asked me how I organize myself in the mornings and manage to get a podcast out the door every day plus two on Wednesdays (the Financial Aid Podcast and Marketing Over Coffee, the best marketing podcast ever made at a doughnut shop).

The answer is that I use a Mac. I’m not being a pimp or being facetious. I use Spaces in Mac OS X Leopard (virtual desktops) like crazy, which helps me stay organized. Here’s a snapshot of my desktops – all 8 of them, which is my layout for the morning. Jeff Pulver calls this his social media sunrise.

My Mac Desktops

In desktops 1 and 2 (top left), you have the browser, Google reader, a text editor, and Garageband. I do my research in this pane for the show and document show notes here, plus surf blogs and GMail. No office software as I usually do most of my workday stuff in Google Docs.

In desktops 3 and 4 (top right) is my social network window. Here I run Twitterific, Adium connected to 12 different IM accounts on 5 services, and Spyder, my MySpace data manager. I’ll check profiles, answer messages, leave comments, and respond to Twitter here.

Desktops 5 and 6 (lower left) contain a terminal window and iTunes. Once the podcast is done, I convert it from AIFF to MP3 using LAME 3.98.1 on the Mac – the encoder is much better than iTunes, but it requires you to compile your own source code – and then dump it into iTunes for branding (ID3, lyrics, cover art). During the rest of my workday, I also manage processes in this window, such as renicing (changing priority) of running programs on the command line. Of course, I also control music in this space. If I’m ding an interview, Skype runs in this space as well.

Desktops 7 and 8 control blogging and server stuff. When the podcast is ready to upload, I’ll use Cyberduck here; I also use Cyberduck to manage any on the fly redirects, etc. In the bottom half of this space I run Ecto, which lets me control and edit all of the Student Loan Network blogs at once, making adjustments as needed.

In the menu bar I also run Google Notifier, which keeps me apprised of emails and calendar appointments, Spanning Sync, which syncs my Google calendar with iCal (which then syncs to my iPods), iSync, which syncs Google Calendar and iCal to my Nokia N91, Growl, which displays Skype and Twitter notices, and SMC Fan Control, so I can alter the speed at which the CPU fan runs in case the MacBook clearly shows signs of warming up.

In non-space I run QuickSilver as an application launcher and general utility, so I never have to actually find application icons to launch them.

This may seem like a lot of stuff to run, and it may be, but it’s how I accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.


13 responses to “How I Organize My Mornings”

  1. Norm Avatar

    Spaces is a great tool. I needed to rethink how I could work when Leopard first arrived with spaces. This does help you think about more than one task at the same time or stay focused on a specific priority.

  2. Donna Papacosta Avatar

    Chris, you ARE a ninja!

  3. Richard Mondello Avatar

    Spaces is amazing. Combining that with Quicksilver, and a person is solid.

    I use four spaces, 2×2 (originally used 1×3), with one monitor, 1440 by 900, on a MacBook Pro.

  4. Norm Avatar

    Spaces is a great tool. I needed to rethink how I could work when Leopard first arrived with spaces. This does help you think about more than one task at the same time or stay focused on a specific priority.

  5. James Lewin Avatar


    Nice post.

    There’s definite advantages to using spacial memory to enhance your ability to quickly find things. A lot of people like to have all there stuff on their desk where they can quickly get to it, and this is a nice refinement of that.

    Something nice about OS X is that you don’t see much of a performance penalty for leaving stuff open – and you never have to reboot – so why not have use space to help stay organized?

    I like the fact that you can quickly dance between views with the keyboard, too.

    Good info – and the podcasting angle makes it especially relevant for people doing new media on a schedule.


  6. Donna Papacosta Avatar

    Chris, you ARE a ninja!

  7. Richard Mondello Avatar

    Spaces is amazing. Combining that with Quicksilver, and a person is solid.

    I use four spaces, 2×2 (originally used 1×3), with one monitor, 1440 by 900, on a MacBook Pro.

  8. James Lewin Avatar


    Nice post.

    There’s definite advantages to using spacial memory to enhance your ability to quickly find things. A lot of people like to have all there stuff on their desk where they can quickly get to it, and this is a nice refinement of that.

    Something nice about OS X is that you don’t see much of a performance penalty for leaving stuff open – and you never have to reboot – so why not have use space to help stay organized?

    I like the fact that you can quickly dance between views with the keyboard, too.

    Good info – and the podcasting angle makes it especially relevant for people doing new media on a schedule.


  9. […] How I Organize My Mornings how Christoper Penn organizes himself in the mornings and manages to get a podcast out the door every day plus two on Wednesdays (tags: productivity hacks lifehacks macosx leopard spaces) […]

  10. Murphy Avatar

    Chris, I hadn’t heard of Spyder before your mention above.

    Do you use the regular or the premium edition?

  11. Murphy Avatar

    Chris, I hadn’t heard of Spyder before your mention above.

    Do you use the regular or the premium edition?

  12. Jason @ Insomnia Radio Avatar

    Hey Chris, echoing Murphy’s statement above. I had no clue that Spyder was out there. I manage 3 myspace accounts and this software is a godsend. You may want to consider approaching them directly for a little referral program.

    You mentioned it.
    I checked it out.
    I bought it.

    @Murphy, I’m using the regular version and it does the job (I believe Premium just adds multi-user licenses and eternal free updates.)

    However, I REALLY wish you could blog straight from the software. Am I just missing it?

    Anyway, thanks again Chris.

  13. Jason @ Insomnia Radio Avatar

    Hey Chris, echoing Murphy’s statement above. I had no clue that Spyder was out there. I manage 3 myspace accounts and this software is a godsend. You may want to consider approaching them directly for a little referral program.

    You mentioned it.
    I checked it out.
    I bought it.

    @Murphy, I’m using the regular version and it does the job (I believe Premium just adds multi-user licenses and eternal free updates.)

    However, I REALLY wish you could blog straight from the software. Am I just missing it?

    Anyway, thanks again Chris.

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