How to find an honest realtor

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Simple. Ask these two questions:

Is now a good time to sell?

Is now a good time to buy?

If they answer yes to either of those questions and you’re in the United States of America, walk away.

If a realtor says, “The party line is that it’s always a good time to buy, but honestly, I’d wait a year” take that person’s business card and don’t lose it.


2 responses to “How to find an honest realtor”

  1. christinagreene Avatar

    Yes I was saying that two years ago – but sadly after you say that it’s time to find a new career. It’s going to be at least another two years until we see an adequate correction in the market. It’s the general economical climate to be most mindful of, not just local conditions.

  2. christinagreene Avatar

    Yes I was saying that two years ago – but sadly after you say that it’s time to find a new career. It’s going to be at least another two years until we see an adequate correction in the market. It’s the general economical climate to be most mindful of, not just local conditions.

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