Marketing Over Coffee is Oven Toasted Goodness

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

This week’s Marketing Over Coffee (the best marketing podcast ever recorded in an oven toasted goods shop with co-host John Wall) features discussions of free, messaging failures, and other great fun. If you haven’t tuned in, head on over and get your cup of marketing.

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One response to “Marketing Over Coffee is Oven Toasted Goodness”

  1. Oz du Soleil Avatar
    Oz du Soleil

    The coffee is really good over there! One thing I noticed within a few hours of having joined the group:

    I make my living in Data Management and have been using LinkedIn to interact with other Excel geeks. Marketing Over Coffee reminded me to “Stop Staring at the Pizza.” In my case: stop staring at the spreadsheet.

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