Snapple Antioxidant Water is a Soft Drink

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

A few folks have been mentioning Snapple’s new soft drink, Snapple Antioxidant Water.

“Wait, it’s water, it’s not a soft drink!” I can hear Marketing shouting.

I beg to differ.

Exhibit A: water.

Ingredients: Water.

Serving Size: 1 cup (240ml)
Servings per Container: About 2.5
Calories per serving: 0
Total calories per bottle: 0
Total Fat: 0g % Daily Value (Fat): 0%
Sodium: 0 mg
% Daily Value (Sodium): 0%
Total Carb: 0 g
% Daily Value (Total Carb): 0%
Sugars: 0 g
Protein: 0 g
% Daily Value (Protein): 0%
Niacin (B3): 0%
Vitamin B6: 0%
Vitamin B12: 0%
Pantothenic Acid (B5): 0%
Vitamin A: 0%
Calcium: 0%
Vitamin E: 0%
Magnesium: 0%
Zinc: 0%

Exhibit B: Snapple’s drink.

Ingredients: Purified water, sugar, potassium citrate (electrolyte), citric acid, natural flavors, fruit and vegetable juices (for color), modified corn starch, calcium lactate (electrolyte), calcium gluconate (electrolyte), magnesium lactate (electrolyte), vitamin E acetate, calcium disodium edta (to maintain freshness), grape seed extract, zinc gluconate (electrolyte), vitamin A palmitate, EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate), manganese gluconate (electrolyte).

Serving Size: 1 cup (240ml)
Servings per Container: About 2.5
Calories per serving: 50
Total calories per container: 125
Total Fat: 0g % Daily Value (Fat): 0%
Sodium: 0 mg
% Daily Value (Sodium): 0%
Total Carb: 12 g
% Daily Value (Total Carb): 4%
Sugars: 12 g
Protein: 0 g
% Daily Value (Protein): 0%
Niacin (B3): 20%
Vitamin B6: 20%
Vitamin B12: 20%
Pantothenic Acid (B5): 20%
Vitamin A: 10%
Calcium: 2%
Vitamin E: 10%
Magnesium: 2%
Zinc: 2%

Lots of stuff in Snapple’s drink that you won’t find in authentic water, including the 125 calories per bottle.

Is it a good drink? That’s opinion. I haven’t tried it, so I can’t say. Is it water? Hell no. It’s got as many calories per bottle as a 12 ounce Guinness, a small soda, a 12 ounce orange juice, and infinitely more calories than unsweetened coffee, tea, or water. If you drink 5 bottles of water, at the end of the day, you will have consumed 0 calories. If you drink 5 bottles of Snapple, at the end of the day, you will have consumed 625 calories, or a Burger King Whopper (no mayo).

What does this mean from a marketing perspective? By calling it water instead of a beverage, drink, etc. – pretty much anything that’s not water – it’s inherently misleading. People who drink it without reading the label and believe that it’s a substitute for water are in for a surprise, especially in their waistline. And Snapple’s not alone, not by any means. Sobe, I’m looking at you. Call it what it is – a soft drink. It may not be carbonated, and it may have more vitamins than a Diet Coke, but it’s still not a water substitute, and drinking it in lieu of water, if you’re thinking about health and weight control, will unpleasantly surprise you.


Antioxidant water!I did some quick checking around. I found that another beverage, based on the marketing tactics above, can also be called antioxidant water!

Yes, it’s true – with only 160 calories per bottle, plus healthy doses of polyphenols, as many health benefits as red wine, and the antioxidant ferulic acid, here’s my antioxidant water!

Please consume antioxidant water responsibly.

Fun experiment: of all the people who drink antioxidant beverages, how many could even explain what antioxidants are?

Updated again:

Snapple’s marketing agent is going to send me some of their antioxidant water for a taste test and review.  I plan on reviewing Snapple, tap water, bottled water, and beer.

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31 responses to “Snapple Antioxidant Water is a Soft Drink”

  1. Greg Hollingsworth Avatar

    Sobe Vitamin Water, Gatorade Propel Fitness Water, Powerade Option Fitness Water and any other imposter product out there. They’re not water.

    It’s not unlike my issue with calling soy beverage milk, it ain’t milk, it’s soy juice.

  2. Greg Hollingsworth Avatar

    Sobe Vitamin Water, Gatorade Propel Fitness Water, Powerade Option Fitness Water and any other imposter product out there. They’re not water.

    It’s not unlike my issue with calling soy beverage milk, it ain’t milk, it’s soy juice.

  3. Daniel Johnson, Jr. Avatar

    Right on, Chris. I’m not into the Sobe, Snapple, and other enhanced “water” products, mainly because of the amount of calories and that they aren’t really water.

    Bad marketing. To the ghetto with them.

  4. Daniel Johnson, Jr. Avatar

    Right on, Chris. I’m not into the Sobe, Snapple, and other enhanced “water” products, mainly because of the amount of calories and that they aren’t really water.

    Bad marketing. To the ghetto with them.

  5. John Wall Avatar

    Soft Drinks = The New Cigarettes

  6. John Wall Avatar

    Soft Drinks = The New Cigarettes

  7. C.C. Chapman Avatar

    I like your “water” better then the one I tried! Don’t think drinking a few of those during the work day would be that good of an idea though 🙂

  8. C.C. Chapman Avatar

    I like your “water” better then the one I tried! Don’t think drinking a few of those during the work day would be that good of an idea though 🙂

  9. Bobby Hewitt Avatar

    And I thought water was healthy for you. I’m waiting for the glut of calorie infused waters to be over marketed to the point where marketing gets the bright idea to reinvent water back to just plain water. I can already see the marketing campaign, “Our water has ZERO calories not like those other waters on the market.”

  10. Bobby Hewitt Avatar

    And I thought water was healthy for you. I’m waiting for the glut of calorie infused waters to be over marketed to the point where marketing gets the bright idea to reinvent water back to just plain water. I can already see the marketing campaign, “Our water has ZERO calories not like those other waters on the market.”

  11. […] Snapple’s New “Water”, Give me beer […]

  12. matt Avatar

    you guys are on the right track, but you are just scraping the surface. dig deeper.
    the ol` “natural flavors” trick. what IS their natural flavors? betcha a buck its monosodium glutamate. if it was anything else, they would simply call it what it is. they would call it “natural LEMON flavor” or “lemon juice”.
    you are only truly safe drinking distilled water, organic fruit juice, and rice milk. the soymilk isnt so good for you. do your research.

  13. matt Avatar

    you guys are on the right track, but you are just scraping the surface. dig deeper.
    the ol` “natural flavors” trick. what IS their natural flavors? betcha a buck its monosodium glutamate. if it was anything else, they would simply call it what it is. they would call it “natural LEMON flavor” or “lemon juice”.
    you are only truly safe drinking distilled water, organic fruit juice, and rice milk. the soymilk isnt so good for you. do your research.

  14. […] a followup to my previous Snapple Antioxidant Water post, Deana over at Snapple sent me a sample pack of Snapple at the behest of Chris Abraham, who I […]

  15. libbyswiger Avatar

    I’m trying to find this bottle water from snapple and where buy it H2O 0dwalla nutrient enhanced water beverage 92% organic ingredients

  16. libbyswiger Avatar

    I’m trying to find this bottle water from snapple and where buy it H2O 0dwalla nutrient enhanced water beverage 92% organic ingredients

  17. Amie Avatar

    thank god for common sense.

  18. Amie Avatar

    thank god for common sense.

  19. Purchase of a vitamin Avatar

    I’m addicted to antioxidant water? I don’t think so.

  20. Purchase of a vitamin Avatar

    I’m addicted to antioxidant water? I don’t think so.

  21. DC (Dennis) Avatar

    Glad someone did the research. cheers, DC

  22. DC (Dennis) Avatar
    DC (Dennis)

    Glad someone did the research. cheers, DC

  23. replica handbags Avatar

    water is the best soft drink available i drink it more than anything and enjoy it.

  24. margarita recipes Avatar

    seems like a decent drink but im all about my frozen margaritas!

  25. Paul Avatar

    Is it Fine written. Positive certainly comes short, but read on one breathing. Tnx

  26. jamie Avatar

    I guess we could use a water filter for this antioxidant water, it sounds like a good idea at the moment. That’s a constructive product criticism, thanks for making us aware of these points, I never did any check to antioxidant water.

  27. Nowheet Owl Avatar

    Nice research. I haven’t try your ‘water’ but I’d like to try it.

  28. Mark Razien Avatar

    TRUE antioxidant water can ONLY be acheived through REDUCED OXIDATION PERFORMANCE (or REDOX) reactions, and only if the natural minerals are left in the water! If your “antioxidant” water lable states “purified”, “reverse osmosis”, “distilled”, “boiled”, or “softened” water… the water is DEAD! It doesn’t matter how many minerals, vitamins, or other “healthy” stuff you pour back into it, you will not absorb near the amount of nutrients as you would with plain tap water, or upto 30% more with REAL antioxidant water! This is why I market the TRUE antioxidant whole house system… and won’t consider selling anything else!

  29. lemonade diet Avatar

    Right on, Chris. I'm not into the Sobe, Snapple, and other enhanced “water” products, mainly because of the amount of calories and that they aren't really water.

    Bad marketing. To the ghetto with them.

  30. lemonade diet Avatar

    Right on, Chris. I'm not into the Sobe, Snapple, and other enhanced “water” products, mainly because of the amount of calories and that they aren't really water.

    Bad marketing. To the ghetto with them.

  31. lemonade diet Avatar

    Right on, Chris. I'm not into the Sobe, Snapple, and other enhanced “water” products, mainly because of the amount of calories and that they aren't really water.

    Bad marketing. To the ghetto with them.

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