Why Twitter Matters : It's Your AP Newswire

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Lots of debate lately about Twitter – what it is, why it matters, how to use it. I’ll throw this thought out there:

Twitter is my personal AP Newswire.

Here’s the thing. I can’t afford a Bloomberg terminal ($1,800/month) or an AP newsfeed in real time and I’m unwilling to even spend on real time stock quotes, since by and large I don’t trade in equities. However, there are LOTS of people on Twitter who either work at or have connections in the companies and industries that I follow and study.

A few examples:

  • On the day of the Bear Stearns crash, a Twitterati told me about conditions at Merrill Lynch and what was the thinking there
  • Jay Moonah tipped me off to Google AdWords Demographics before the post showed up in Reader
  • Pick any major newsworthy crash/disaster recently, like crane collapses or aircraft issues. Twitter has it long before CNN.
  • A Black Hat SEO recently disclosed a VERY cool trick for gaming Digg on Twitter. Never would have seen it otherwise.

Scoble‘s on track – it’s about who you follow that gives Twitter its value, and not who follows you. Being popular is fun, being informed is valuable.

For me, Twitter is my AP Newswire…

…I’d wager, in fact, that it’s faster than AP.

Names of some parties have been withheld for their protection, and in some cases, you won’t even find them in my public “people I follow” list.

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Why Twitter Matters : It's Your AP Newswire 1 Why Twitter Matters : It's Your AP Newswire 2 Why Twitter Matters : It's Your AP Newswire 3

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12 responses to “Why Twitter Matters : It's Your AP Newswire”

  1. Daryl Tay Avatar

    Hey Christopher,

    Great point of view about Twitter. The adoption hasn’t been huge here in Singapore, from the few that are on I HAVE indeed found out some selective news faster than it’s on our news channel or websites.

    Eagerly awaiting the next MOC!


  2. Daryl Tay Avatar

    Hey Christopher,

    Great point of view about Twitter. The adoption hasn’t been huge here in Singapore, from the few that are on I HAVE indeed found out some selective news faster than it’s on our news channel or websites.

    Eagerly awaiting the next MOC!


  3. Bobby Hewitt Avatar

    Great insight thanks for changing the way I look at Twitter.

  4. Bobby Hewitt Avatar

    Great insight thanks for changing the way I look at Twitter.

  5. Angelo Mandato Avatar

    Here’s one for you, I found out about the Casino Fire from Twitter 15 minutes before the major networks picked it up. Twitter is powerful way to be on top of news.

    Twitter is 10x as effective as putting out a press release that’s for sure. The best marketing tool so far for PodCamp Ohio is Twitter, it definitely helps those who want to come to the event follow what’s happening, who registers, etc… Every time someone registers for the event who supplies their twitter name, we send a twitter message to @podcampohio‘s Twitter so other followers can follow that person. It’s connecting the bloggers and podcasters before PodCamp Ohio even occurs! If you’re building a brand or an event, Twitter will take it to the next level.

  6. Angelo Mandato Avatar

    Here’s one for you, I found out about the Casino Fire from Twitter 15 minutes before the major networks picked it up. Twitter is powerful way to be on top of news.

    Twitter is 10x as effective as putting out a press release that’s for sure. The best marketing tool so far for PodCamp Ohio is Twitter, it definitely helps those who want to come to the event follow what’s happening, who registers, etc… Every time someone registers for the event who supplies their twitter name, we send a twitter message to @podcampohio‘s Twitter so other followers can follow that person. It’s connecting the bloggers and podcasters before PodCamp Ohio even occurs! If you’re building a brand or an event, Twitter will take it to the next level.

  7. Rachel Luxemburg Avatar

    @BreakingNewsOn is a good source of (mostly US based) breaking news on Twitter. I don’t know how he/she/they manage to beat the other news sites so often, but they consistently get items out long before CNN, AP, etc.

  8. Rachel Luxemburg Avatar

    @BreakingNewsOn is a good source of (mostly US based) breaking news on Twitter. I don’t know how he/she/they manage to beat the other news sites so often, but they consistently get items out long before CNN, AP, etc.

  9. […] which are still interesting, like US-specific news, which I often shelve. These two blog posts – twitter-is-your-AP-newswire and twitter-is-paying-my-rent – seem to be the most linked-to articles on why microblogging is in. […]

  10. […] my rationale. As I said in a recent post, Twitter is my AP Newswire. As such, I look to Twitter to learn first and foremost – I watch Twitter and see not who’s […]

  11. Consumer News Avatar

    Awesome just what I was looking for. Do you do a twitter search to find different sources. Would the news stations’ twitter be the ones to follow if I am looking for local news?

    I have also found that places like nowpublic and ireporter are good to find news before it’s news.

    Are there any other that you know of?

    Nice to stumbleupon your blog. Thanks

  12. Consumer News Avatar

    Awesome just what I was looking for. Do you do a twitter search to find different sources. Would the news stations’ twitter be the ones to follow if I am looking for local news?

    I have also found that places like nowpublic and ireporter are good to find news before it’s news.

    Are there any other that you know of?

    Nice to stumbleupon your blog. Thanks

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