Snapple Antioxidant Water tastes exactly like water doesn't

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As a followup to my previous Snapple Antioxidant Water post, Deana over at Snapple sent me a sample pack of Snapple at the behest of Chris Abraham, who I presume is marketing Snapple to bloggers. I got a 4 pack.

Slackershot: Snapple


  • It’s sugary.
  • It tastes nothing like water, and a lot like Gatorade when you make it from the powder with more water than you should per scoop.
  • In looking at the ingredients, the first two ingredients are water and sugar.

Is it good? I suppose if you’re a Powerade/Gatorade drinker, you’ll probably like some of the flavors. Personally, I’m more of a Red Bull/Rock Star fan than Gatorade for sugary drinks, on the premise that if I’m going to suffer the consequences of extra empty calories, I’d better get damn jittery from it, too. If Snapple made a “Closest Legal Alternative to Meth in Fruity Flavors” I’d give that a try, if for no other reason than the product name alone.

As for the antioxidant water? I’m going to stick to regular water now.

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10 responses to “Snapple Antioxidant Water tastes exactly like water doesn't”

  1. Rima Avatar

    Hah, wonderful photo. 🙂 I’m personally too afraid to try that oddly Barney-colored liquid, myself. But I’ll have to agree with your “closest legal alternative to Meth” comment. I like being awake. 🙂

    On another note, great layout. I really need to reinvent my old site, or just carpet bomb the thing and start over.

  2. Rima Avatar

    Hah, wonderful photo. 🙂 I’m personally too afraid to try that oddly Barney-colored liquid, myself. But I’ll have to agree with your “closest legal alternative to Meth” comment. I like being awake. 🙂

    On another note, great layout. I really need to reinvent my old site, or just carpet bomb the thing and start over.

  3. John Wall Avatar

    Soft drinks are the new cigarettes.

  4. John Wall Avatar

    Soft drinks are the new cigarettes.

  5. julien Avatar

    john, i totally thought exactly the same thing.

    it’s so weird that they’re marketing this to bloggers… why would bloggers want to promote drinks? we’re technology people; it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me.

  6. julien Avatar

    john, i totally thought exactly the same thing.

    it’s so weird that they’re marketing this to bloggers… why would bloggers want to promote drinks? we’re technology people; it doesn’t make a ton of sense to me.

  7. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    @julien I think it probably has a lot to do with perceived influence and newness, more than anything. Marketing firms are still trying to figure out new media, and blogger outreach is probably still trendy.

  8. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    @julien I think it probably has a lot to do with perceived influence and newness, more than anything. Marketing firms are still trying to figure out new media, and blogger outreach is probably still trendy.

  9. Carol Avatar

    Antioxidant water really doesn’t taste like the usual water because it contains sugar. But the product has an advantage because it helps prevent aging and it keeps you vital.

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