Still can't ignore MySpace

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Lots of folks like to hate on MySpace. Sure, it has a web design that makes you cry sometimes. Sure, profiles can be ugly as sin and crash your browser.

But guess what? In addition to 300 million+ profiles, 110 million+ active users, and new data portability initiatives, MySpace has a messaging system.

You may say, so what, Chris? What’s the big deal about MySpace’s equally unpleasant messaging system?

MySpace messages

The deal is this: what percentage of your emails get delivered? Not opened, not read, not clicked. Delivered. Get there in the first place. Do you know? Chances are good it’s not 100%.

For all its flaws, MySpace’s messaging system has 100% deliverability once you friend someone or they friend you. If you’re doing marketing on MySpace, you at least know the message is getting there. Read/acted on is different, but the same rules that govern whether someone opens and acts on your emails govern MySpace messages as well.

You don’t have to market on MySpace. You don’t have to pay attention to any social network – but chances are your competitors are.


8 responses to “Still can't ignore MySpace”

  1. Michael Domingo Avatar

    I completely agree with you Chris.

    For me, MySpace has been a highly effective marketing tool. I use the MySpace search engine to find my target audience, friend them with an engaging “Hello come check out my Podcast”, broadcast notices of upcoming episodes, and get (a little) listener feedback.

    My MySpace page ( now has over 400 friends and growing. For my needs, I sure can’t beat the price (free). I just hope it stays around for longer than a Friendster minute.

    Michael Domingo, Host
    Nante Koto Dating Misadventures Podcast
    Washington, DC USA

  2. Michael Domingo Avatar

    I completely agree with you Chris.

    For me, MySpace has been a highly effective marketing tool. I use the MySpace search engine to find my target audience, friend them with an engaging “Hello come check out my Podcast”, broadcast notices of upcoming episodes, and get (a little) listener feedback.

    My MySpace page ( now has over 400 friends and growing. For my needs, I sure can’t beat the price (free). I just hope it stays around for longer than a Friendster minute.

    Michael Domingo, Host
    Nante Koto Dating Misadventures Podcast
    Washington, DC USA

  3. Rachael Hampton Avatar

    Moi aussi,
    At first I was reluctant to join myspace. Since then I have 2 profile. You can customise the design of your page to your brand.
    For me it not about having 2,000 to 3,000 friend.

    Just making real connection.

    Also I have re-found lost friend that I have lost contact with.

    P.s notice you change the design of your blog, have to say the old one was nicer…

  4. Rachael Hampton Avatar

    Moi aussi,
    At first I was reluctant to join myspace. Since then I have 2 profile. You can customise the design of your page to your brand.
    For me it not about having 2,000 to 3,000 friend.

    Just making real connection.

    Also I have re-found lost friend that I have lost contact with.

    P.s notice you change the design of your blog, have to say the old one was nicer…

  5. Ariel Hyatt Avatar

    I struggle like hell with the interface but I must say when we use it right it really helps us build our mailing and our relationships list properly. I wish there was a way that Myspace could monitor the spambots a bit better – We are sick of girls in their bikinis

    Ariel Hyatt

  6. Ariel Hyatt Avatar

    I struggle like hell with the interface but I must say when we use it right it really helps us build our mailing and our relationships list properly. I wish there was a way that Myspace could monitor the spambots a bit better – We are sick of girls in their bikinis

    Ariel Hyatt

  7. Top EDC Gold & Diamond Men Avatar

    I completely agree with this post! I run a business & networking organization in my local area, and just recently held a 2-part seminar on social networking in business. Many of my attendees were astounded to hear that I still count Myspace in for many of my marketing tasks. They seem to feel that it’s only a spam social network, full of teens and young adults looking for a good time. And to some extent, I agree. But with the proper security settings in place, and taking special care who you do connect with, Myspace can be just a great for certain types of marketing as any other social network!

    I primarily use Myspace for video marketing. Posting videos to Myspace ensures (just like YouTube) that they’ll be picked up by search engines and other video sites and automatically syndicated. Videos I post to Myspace always show up in top positions in Google, sometimes faster than their YouTube counterparts. And as you mentioned, Myspace can be great from b2b email marketing. Even leaving comments can be a helpful form of marketing! It’s also a great social network for non-profit organizations, especially with the Myspace Impact Awards.

    It’s important not to count Myspace out. It can be a great way to market as long as you know how to use it properly! I have had great success with Myspace marketing for my home business, and am growing a steady list for my brick & mortar business!

    -Ina Stanley, Marketing Specialist & Mentor
    Learn2Earn Now: Expert Marketing Training from EDC Gold & Diamond

  8. Top EDC Gold & Diamond Mentor Avatar

    I completely agree with this post! I run a business & networking organization in my local area, and just recently held a 2-part seminar on social networking in business. Many of my attendees were astounded to hear that I still count Myspace in for many of my marketing tasks. They seem to feel that it’s only a spam social network, full of teens and young adults looking for a good time. And to some extent, I agree. But with the proper security settings in place, and taking special care who you do connect with, Myspace can be just a great for certain types of marketing as any other social network!

    I primarily use Myspace for video marketing. Posting videos to Myspace ensures (just like YouTube) that they’ll be picked up by search engines and other video sites and automatically syndicated. Videos I post to Myspace always show up in top positions in Google, sometimes faster than their YouTube counterparts. And as you mentioned, Myspace can be great from b2b email marketing. Even leaving comments can be a helpful form of marketing! It’s also a great social network for non-profit organizations, especially with the Myspace Impact Awards.

    It’s important not to count Myspace out. It can be a great way to market as long as you know how to use it properly! I have had great success with Myspace marketing for my home business, and am growing a steady list for my brick & mortar business!

    -Ina Stanley, Marketing Specialist & Mentor
    Learn2Earn Now: Expert Marketing Training from EDC Gold & Diamond

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