SEO more important than ever with Google Chrome

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Google’s announcement of Chrome, their new open-source browser, was greeted with a relatively lukewarm reception online today.

Here’s the part that a lot of folks missed, from the Chrome comic book. (yes, a comic book)

Google Chrome, Page 10

Get it?

If your SEO efforts aren’t up to par, Google’s ignoring you in the testing of their browser, too.

If their browser achieves any level of success, Google will test against your site – if you rank.

Now this part is the gem, the part that marketers NEED to pay attention to, or ignore at their peril.

Google Chrome Page 19

If users think your site is worth remembering, Chrome will do it for them.

If your site ranks for your keywords, Chrome will suggest it – IN the browser itself. No need to be using Google suggest.

Seth Godin is fond of saying that if you make your content remarkable, you win.

Google Chrome now says if you make your content remarkable, they’ll market it for free to their users directly in the OmniBox.

We’ll see how this new browser does, but marketers – pay heed.

Google Chrome debuts September 2.

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17 responses to “SEO more important than ever with Google Chrome”

  1. David Gerard Avatar
    David Gerard

    “We are so, so happy with Google Chrome,” mumbled Mozilla CEO John Lilly through gritted teeth. “That most of our income is from Google has no bearing on this statement.” –

  2. Jerry West Avatar

    Wow it is great post, thx for sharing the same.

  3. patrick Avatar

    should be interesting to see if Chrome works more efficiently than FireFox and IE… if it’s faster than Firefox, since isn’t IE, then i’ll use it

  4. Ankur Avatar

    I do agree – it will drive traffic to the top results, because it gives the users less options. Lets see what the users decide on doing!

  5. Ankur Avatar

    I do agree – it will drive traffic to the top results, because it gives the users less options. Lets see what the users decide on doing!

  6. Ankur Avatar

    I do agree – it will drive traffic to the top results, because it gives the users less options. Lets see what the users decide on doing!

  7. Stress Management Courses Avatar

    So are you implying here that if we use chrome ourselves and visit our site, it will help? Cheers, Dan

  8. Johny Avatar

    I have to admint, its yet another brilliant feature from google, that will help webmasters with trafic. But I see far away the day, when it will be fully funcitonable. Correct me if I am wrong.

  9. Johny Avatar

    I have to admint, its yet another brilliant feature from google, that will help webmasters with trafic. But I see far away the day, when it will be fully funcitonable. Correct me if I am wrong.

  10. Johny Avatar

    I have to admint, its yet another brilliant feature from google, that will help webmasters with trafic. But I see far away the day, when it will be fully funcitonable. Correct me if I am wrong.

  11. Johny Avatar

    I have to admint, its yet another brilliant feature from google, that will help webmasters with trafic. But I see far away the day, when it will be fully funcitonable. Correct me if I am wrong.

    1. CakePoker Avatar

      Not a piece of cake.

  12. seotest Avatar

    job well said about the seo,
    i think without seo there is no promoters

  13. busby seo test Avatar

    What i don’t like from Chrome is that this browser doesn’t have G toolbar built-in, that’s ironic, right? But for SEO reason, I am with you.

  14. Traffic Geyser Avatar

    this will surely be beneficial for someone who knows how to create good content and how to work on SEO methods, it will be much easier for them to gain huge traffic on their website..

  15. CakePoker Avatar

    Making your content remarkable in not a piece of cake. Easier said than done and it depends on your market. Anyway thanks for the heads up about Chrome, Google is certainly trying to push it.

  16. Deal Hotels Avatar

    i dint ever know this information.. thanks for posting it.. will try if its really working!!!

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