Celebrate International Day of the Ninja!

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Celebrate International Day of the Ninja today by taking some ninja lessons right online! Want to take actual ninja lessons? Study with Stephen K. Hayes, or if you’re in Massachusetts, check out the Boston Martial Arts Center in Boston or the Winchendon Martial Arts Center in Winchendon, MA.

Ninja grandmaster teacher Stephen K. Hayes:

Learn more from An-Shu Hayes at his web site.

Ninja master teacher Dennis Mahoney:

Learn more about New Hampshire Martial Arts with Dennis at his site.

A room full of ninjas:

Download Matthew Ebel’s Everybody Needs a Ninja song. [disclosure: Amazon paid link]

Watch my International Day of the Ninja video where I teach you how to disappear like a ninja:

Happy International Day of the Ninja!

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Celebrate International Day of the Ninja! 1 Celebrate International Day of the Ninja! 2 Celebrate International Day of the Ninja! 3

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10 responses to “Celebrate International Day of the Ninja!”

  1. matt Searles Avatar

    I really liked the instructor in the top video… and you're lesson was fun to

  2. johnblue Avatar

    Other “hiding” tips: Don't forget the nondescript clothes (dull colors, “normal”, not “odd”). Going on campus? wear a backpack and look like you are going somewhere in a hurry. In an office building? Wear the clothes that fit the norm (law office=suit tie, consulting company=kaki pants and polo like shirt). And look like you know where you know where you want to go; don't “look” lost.

  3.  Avatar

    Don’t forget the clothes! wear nondescript clothes. On campus? wear a back pack. At a law firm? wear a suit and tie. No eye contact. Don’t “look” out of the ordinary. Don’t look “lost”. Blend in to the “norm” of the environment. 🙂

  4. matt  Searles Avatar

    I really liked the instructor in the top video… and you're lesson was fun to

  5. johnblue Avatar

    Other “hiding” tips: Don't forget the nondescript clothes (dull colors, “normal”, not “odd”). Going on campus? wear a backpack and look like you are going somewhere in a hurry. In an office building? Wear the clothes that fit the norm (law office=suit tie, consulting company=kaki pants and polo like shirt). And look like you know where you know where you want to go; don't “look” lost.

  6. Portsmouth Movers Avatar

    Interesting, I didn’t even know there was an international day of the ninja. Cool stuff!

  7. Übergrössen Mode Avatar

    that was really cool!

  8. Guest Avatar

    Interesting post. I have just bookmarked this at stumbleupon. Others no doubt will like it like I did.

  9. Guest Avatar

    Interesting post. I have just bookmarked this at stumbleupon. Others no doubt will like it like I did.

  10. Guest Avatar

    Interesting post. I have just bookmarked this at stumbleupon. Others no doubt will like it like I did.

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