Stop whatever you're doing and watch this video

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This is mandatory, absolutely must see material.

The Crisis of Credit Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo.

I only wished the video went further. It ends at the credit crisis and failing investments – and the chain reaction beyond that is choking of credit to businesses, which puts some out of business, which creates joblessness, which creates more mortgages that can’t be paid, which creates…

Hat tip to Garr Reynolds for this one.

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8 responses to “Stop whatever you're doing and watch this video”

  1. Jeff Ogden Avatar

    Terrific explanation of the credit problem.

  2. Jeff Ogden Avatar

    Terrific explanation of the credit problem.

  3. Jeff Ogden Avatar

    Terrific explanation of the credit problem.

  4. Mike Avatar

    A great video. Must watch for every one.

  5. Mike Avatar

    A great video. Must watch for every one.

  6. Mike Avatar
  7. Mike Avatar

    A great video. Must watch for every one.

  8. Mike Avatar

    A great video. Must watch for every one.

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