Samurai swords for home defense

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

Much has been made of a Johns Hopkins student protecting himself with a samurai sword against a home intruder in the local Maryland media (including this story at the Washington Post).

I’d like to take a few moments to say that while the student certainly made effective use of his katana that a katana isn’t exactly the ideal home defense weapon. Here’s why: it’s a really big weapon indoors. Outdoors (where, according to some accounts the confrontation took place, others putting it in the house or in a garage), a katana is a fine weapon. Its length, edge, and relatively lightness (compared to heavier European swords or even older Japanese tachi swords) make it a formidable amplifier, and against a skilled practitioner, it’s extremely hard to overcome.


The problem with samurai swords for home defense

The problem with samurai swords for home defense

You see the general problem. Unless you’ve had a great deal of practice using a sword indoors, chances are your home, apartment, or office will be working against you with a weapon designed for use on a battlefield.

Please accept these bits of unsolicited advice from a guy who’s practiced with swords a lot and studied self defense a lot:

1. If someone’s in your home and you have the option to do so, run like hell and call the police. No piece of property is worth risking your life for, and virtually everything except maybe sentimental items can be replaced.

2. If running like hell isn’t an option, get yourself and anyone else you care about together inside, lock and bar an interior room, and call the police.

3. If you have no other choice, meaning that either someone you love or you are directly in harm’s way with no other resort, then and only then should you attempt confrontation, and probably not with a sword unless you’ve got nothing else or you’ve got an awful lot of training under your belt. That can of fake lavender air freshener or toilet cleaner under your sink will probably work better to confuse and disorient a home invader long enough to let you escape, rather than a sword.

Other views will differ, of course, but at least in what we teach at the Boston Martial Arts Center, your very best bet is always self preservation, escape and evasion, then defensive tactics, then as a last resort, offensive tactics. Not only does this order of priorities give you the best chance of coming out of a self defense situation safely, but it also is most likely to protect you legally if the case goes to court. If, in your testimonial, you explain to the authorities, the judge and jury, and legal counsel that you made every effort to escape and evade, to defend, and only when you were given no other choice and you believed serious or mortal harm was imminent did you take a life, you are likely to be cleared of any charges of excessive force.

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30 responses to “Samurai swords for home defense”

  1. Michael Sanford Avatar

    Sage advice, Sensei.

    I suspect that your last paragraph's addition of legal advice will probably cause more people to think twice than the photographs will.

  2. Hittman Avatar

    A can of air freshener might work. A can of Easy Off Oven Cleaner *will* work.

  3. Michael Sanford Avatar

    Sage advice, Sensei.

    I suspect that your last paragraph's addition of legal advice will probably cause more people to think twice than the photographs will.

  4. Hittman Avatar

    A can of air freshener might work. A can of Easy Off Oven Cleaner *will* work.

  5. chrisgriffith Avatar

    What about self defense with a nail file?

  6. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    You have the right and obligation to defend yourself with whatever you can. I'm not saying NOT to defend yourself, just that a katana is probably not the most ideal tool. For the average untrained person, getting to minimal competent proficiency with a firearm will likely take less time than with a sword, especially if you use a shotgun loaded with non-wall-penetrating ammunition, like birdshot.

    I would encourage anyone and EVERYONE to learn at least the basics of self defense, both armed and unarmed. It's a good thing to know, and at the very, very least, at least you'll probably get a few decent workouts out of it.

  7. chrisgriffith Avatar

    I now feel compelled to buy a katana, just to say I have one.

  8. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    If you seriously want one, I recommend the Hanwei/Paul Chen Practical Katana line. They're made to be actually used, rather than for decoration. I'd also strongly, strongly recommend enrolling in a school that can teach you how to safely use it.

  9. DJ Waldow Avatar

    Chris – I'm going to make the leap to Social Media on this one. Basically, your Samurai sword home defense example got me thinking…

    Maybe it *is* about the (SM) tools we use. Hmmm.

    Wonderful post. Juices flowing.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  10. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    It is about the tools to a lesser degree. It is about skill to a greater degree. The right tool for the right job, yes. The right training to make the tool effective in the job, more so.

  11. chrisgriffith Avatar

    What about self defense with a nail file?

  12. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    You have the right and obligation to defend yourself with whatever you can. I'm not saying NOT to defend yourself, just that a katana is probably not the most ideal tool. For the average untrained person, getting to minimal competent proficiency with a firearm will likely take less time than with a sword, especially if you use a shotgun loaded with non-wall-penetrating ammunition, like birdshot.

    I would encourage anyone and EVERYONE to learn at least the basics of self defense, both armed and unarmed. It's a good thing to know, and at the very, very least, at least you'll probably get a few decent workouts out of it.

  13. chrisgriffith Avatar

    I now feel compelled to buy a katana, just to say I have one.

  14. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    If you seriously want one, I recommend the Hanwei/Paul Chen Practical Katana line. They're made to be actually used, rather than for decoration. I'd also strongly, strongly recommend enrolling in a school that can teach you how to safely use it.

  15. DJ Waldow Avatar

    Chris – I'm going to make the leap to Social Media on this one. Basically, your Samurai sword home defense example got me thinking…

    Maybe it *is* about the (SM) tools we use. Hmmm.

    Wonderful post. Juices flowing.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  16. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    It is about the tools to a lesser degree. It is about skill to a greater degree. The right tool for the right job, yes. The right training to make the tool effective in the job, more so.

  17. olivierBlanchard Avatar

    Great illustrations, Chris. You could just thrust though. A smooth quick extension to the throat or groin, and your troubles are over. But… then you would have a really big mess to mop up. That means new carpet or flooring, having to repaint the walls and the ceiling… And then there's the risk of contamination if any of your assailant's blood gets on you. None of these things are very nice.

    So I have a better solution:

    Chihuahuas are very compact, completely self-powered, 100% motivated, and capable of coordinating attacks on their own. I highly recommend keeping 2-3 of them around the house as a) an early warning system and b) the centerpiece of your home defense system. They can distract an intruder and even trip them up, and I have seen some chihuahua bites actually break the surface of the skin (almost painful on the ankle bone).

    Just a thought. 😉

  18. olivierBlanchard Avatar

    Great illustrations, Chris. You could just thrust though. A smooth quick extension to the throat or groin, and your troubles are over. But… then you would have a really big mess to mop up. That means new carpet or flooring, having to repaint the walls and the ceiling… And then there's the risk of contamination if any of your assailant's blood gets on you. None of these things are very nice.

    So I have a better solution:

    Chihuahuas are very compact, completely self-powered, 100% motivated, and capable of coordinating attacks on their own. I highly recommend keeping 2-3 of them around the house as a) an early warning system and b) the centerpiece of your home defense system. They can distract an intruder and even trip them up, and I have seen some chihuahua bites actually break the surface of the skin (almost painful on the ankle bone).

    Just a thought. 😉

  19. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    The question is, will Yum Brands be a subsidiary income source from them?

  20. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    The question is, will Yum Brands be a subsidiary income source from them?

  21. James Avatar

    Great sword for home self defense. Its great to learn some form of self-defense especially if you are living with all girls house.

  22. James Avatar

    Great sword for home self defense. Its great to learn some form of self-defense especially if you are living with all girls house.

  23. James Avatar

    Great sword for home self defense. Its great to learn some form of self-defense especially if you are living with all girls house.

  24. Rich Avatar

    My personal preferences: a wakizashi with a 21″ blade and a katana-sized tsuka (handle) – possible to use 2-handed, but easier blade length to use in tight quarters – and a tanto with an 11″ blade, razor edge, and needle-sharp point. I use these when my kids are here (I share custody of them every other week with my ex), as the walls of my house are so thin (1×2 studs and thin wallboard, rather than 2×4’s and drywall – older, cheap kit house) that even “non penetrating” ammo could blast right through them. My state has a “castle doctrine” law – I am under no duty to retreat from a criminal, ANYPLACE I have any business being (not just my home), and further laws preventing the criminal or the criminals family from suing me if the crook is injured or killed.

  25. Shadowcompany Avatar

    My preference is a firearm and a cellphone first if I am unable to flee, preferably a 12 gauge shotgun while sequestered in the “safe room” with the wife and kiddies calling the police on the cell. However, a short sword like a Naval Dirk, Wakazashi, Gladius, Kopis or a Castile would be a good backup weapon. The shorter blades being better indoors and maneuverable and a sword also would have an intimidation factor, especially if the assailant(s) are not armed with firearms which is quite common, In fact many robbers/burglars are either armed with blunt weapons like car jacks, clubs of various types or small edged weapons like pocket knives. Many times when a confrontation with a homeowner takes place the homeowner or assailant end up wounded or killed by items lying around the house or kitchen like kitchen knives or bludgeoned with a lamp or some other household item? So if the homeowner is armed with and knows how to use a weapon designed for defending one’s self then your already a step ahead of some of the bad guys! I prefer a sword with the ability to thrust with as well as slash. I also prefer a double edge to a single one simply because I feel the additional sharp edge gives one more of a chance at wounding the assailant and prevents a grab at the weapon, though I wouldn’t grab a katana or wakazashi either unless you want to lose your fingers? In a self defense scenario, skill from practice and repetition as well as the ability to maintain your wits about you with adrenalin surging through your system are things which will help you survive. Thats why you want to practice and rehearse as much as possible so that your actions become automatic under stress because when under the stress of a home invasion or an assailant attacking you it becomes impossible to form higher thought because of fear and adrenalin and thats when training kicks in. It’s hard to imagine the feeling unless you have been assaulted or faced an adversary with a weapon either shooting at you or threatening to kill you? Hopefully you live in a state with a strong “castle doctrine” which allows one to defend their person and property with deadly force if necessary without having to retreat? Otherwise in addition to being assaulted by some no good scumbag intent on harming yourself and your family you are assaulted by the law again after rightfully defending yourself! Anyway I hope you never have to worry about defending yourself from some miscreants, however if you do then maybe some of these tips will be of use to you? God Bless!

  26. Alfonso Zamora Avatar
    Alfonso Zamora

    The wakizashi was worn indoors, with the katana removed from the belt when going indoors. In fact you should think of Wakizashi and Katana, as “sword and two-handed longsword”, not as “sword and shortsword”. The katana was better suited for outdoors and the wakizashi for closer quarters…however… Like Musashi said(and many other sword masters); “When there is no room to cut, as when you are in a narrow hallway or there is an obstacle overhead, thrust in strongly at the enemy’s chest.”

    Contrary to popular belief, a REAL sword(not the flimsy stainless steel models) will EASILY penetrate ribs. Especially when you put your weight behind it.

    People underestimate the effectiveness of almost 30 inches of steel being shoved into one’s guts and being yanked around. Ugly, but then fighting for your life or for your loved one’s is ugly.

    Bringing a sword to a gunfight does put you at a disadvantage, as most home invaders have guns. However in World War II, Japanese officers were often able to kill entire squads before anyone had the presense of mind to shoot them, so shocking is being faced with medieval violence.

    Due to the disadvantage of gun vs. sword, I suggest reviewing the videos of the assassination of Inejiro Asanuma to get an idea of how fast you need to be moving to get the drop on a home invader, AND to run him through. Basically you need to be sprinting, and hit them with your entire being. Sword, body, and spirit.

    The sword does have ONE tremendous advantage over a gun though. You never have to worry about your child accidentally shooting themself or a friend…Which is why I have a sword (besides the fact that swords are just awesome!) Of course your wife is not likely to be able to effectively wield it when you aren’t home, as she would a light pistol, so I guess it is a trade off.

    Running and hiding during a home invasion is a sure way to get your wife and kids raped and murdered while you are forced to watch. And MANY burglars WILL rape when a vulnerable person is unfortunate enough to be home when they break in. Retreat is not the safest option, especially when the main escape, the front door(most apartments do not have a back door), is blocked.

    The safest option for your wife and child, during a home invasion, is for the husband and father to sacrifice himself and create an opening for his family to escape, and to buy them time to get to safety. This is our duty as MEN, and one we dare not fail. I have heard of cowards watching while their loved ones were raped in front of them, but that is not what a MAN does.

    For this reason it is also a man’s duty to TRAIN. And it is amazing how much the game changes when your motivation moves from a mere sport or hobby, to the NEED to not fail at protecting your family.

    As far as retreat is concerned. Today’s thin panel doors won’t even stop a child much less a good shove from a full grown man. Hiding in your bedroom will buy you precious little time. Barely enough time to get your defense ready… But then how fast can you and your wife and your kids who are scattered around your home conduct an organised retreat when that front door is kicked in, BEFORE the invader’s weapon is trained on you?

    As for calling the police and expecting them to protect you and your family, you may want to refer to the Supreme Court’s decision that the police have NO constitutional duty to protect anyone, nor to stop a crime in progress, even a violent one, including a rape or murder. THAT is a game changer.

  27. Michael Moore Avatar
    Michael Moore

    “If running like hell isn’t an option, get yourself and anyone else you care about together inside…”

    My roommate’s total d-bag and I don’t care about him at all. I’ll be sure to exclude him from safety, if given the chance. Thanks for the advice!

  28. jamal Avatar

    I do understand what you are trying to say regarding the length of the blade inside a home, but the length can also be it number one advantage. In a home setting if a sword was all you had common sense would dictate that you would not be making many chopping cuts, but rather thrust. This motion would work well from a barricaded position if the intruder tried to force his or her way into your room. once the door began to open stab through opening if the dark and element of surprise will catch the intruder off guard and its not like they can grab it and take it from you. If they grab the blade just push or pull hard, it will come free and then push again. in a matter of seconds your intruder is no longer a threat and if there are multiple attackers the rest are seriously beginning to rethink their advance.

  29. matt Avatar

    You expect people to run if their home is broken into?! LOLOLOL, stupid karate. People like me that train muay thai and jiu-jitsu know damn well what too do (NOT RUN) but snap an arm or a flying knee to the head.. lil sissy’s hahahah c’mon now your home is the ONE place to expect safety. No one is gonna compromise that!

  30. nanny state hater Avatar
    nanny state hater

    Why no mention of the American right to keep and bear arms? You keep your sword, chop sticks, hairspray, or whatever……To protect the lives of my family, I will use a gun!

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