The most amazing moment of PodCamp Philly 3

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

You know what the most amazing moment of PodCamp Philly 3 was?

At the opening, I asked the crowd – 200+ folks – how many people had never been to a PodCamp before.

About 80% of the room raised their hands.

That’s huge. That’s amazing. I have to give huge props to the Philly organizing team for continuing to attract new members to our community. When Chris Brogan and I started PodCamp in 2006, we never imagined that years later, events in cities all over the world would continue to attract lots and lots of new people.

Another interesting curiosity from the weekend – the podcasting sessions were stuffed to the gills, standing room only for many of them. If you’ve read Seth Godin’s The Dip, I think podcasting is on the other side of its dip now. It came out strong in 2004 and 2005, was the shiny darling of the new media world, and then more or less went through massive growing pains. Based on the number of folks I talked to over the weekend, podcasting isn’t the sexy new thing any more – and that’s incredibly good news for people interested in learning about podcasting. The snake oil salesmen have moved on (they’re now selling Twitter expert guides) and the space has technologically matured.

Clay Shirky said best at TED @ State that something like podcasting becomes socially interesting after it becomes technologically uninteresting. The shiny has worn off and now people from all businesses and all areas of focus are looking at podcasting for what it truly is: a delivery mechanism for content that can, if used properly and selectively, give people the information they want in the method best suited to their needs.

Hats off again to the PodCamp Philly team for a great event and for continuing to show that podcasting, far from being dead, is only now starting its march out of the dip and into mainstream usages of all kinds.

Photo credit: Jakob Montrasio

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14 responses to “The most amazing moment of PodCamp Philly 3”

  1. Steve Sherlock Avatar

    Chris, that is great to have so many new attendees. The market opportunity is huge. Glad you had a good time. Can wait to find out what else happened down in Philly!

  2. LynetteYoung Avatar

    I was also shocked to see so many new PodCamp attendees! Early PodCamps seemed to me to lean a bit more to the equipment & gear, but I see it across the board as a common tool to get a message across. (The gear talks are still vitally important – as more people move into the space the toys matter!) Somehow I feel that we started out heavy in geek and technology where few could enter and stay afloat, but now the technology has been made so easy all you need to do is figure out how to hit the keyboard 140 times and you have a message!

  3. Paul L'Acosta Avatar

    Great to see another successful Podcamp Chris. I've been trying to check on new updates for one here in Nashville, TN but can't get anyone to forward me if it's been orchestrated at all. Anyhow, thanks for sharing with us the view on podcasting and hope you keep us, lucky subscribers, receiving your thoughts via this medium. Good luck!

  4. Lynette Young Avatar

    I was also shocked to see so many new PodCamp attendees! Early PodCamps seemed to me to lean a bit more to the equipment & gear, but I see it across the board as a common tool to get a message across. (The gear talks are still vitally important – as more people move into the space the toys matter!) Somehow I feel that we started out heavy in geek and technology where few could enter and stay afloat, but now the technology has been made so easy all you need to do is figure out how to hit the keyboard 140 times and you have a message!

  5. Steve Sherlock Avatar

    Chris, that is great to have so many new attendees. The market opportunity is huge. Glad you had a good time. Can wait to find out what else happened down in Philly!

  6. Reikob Avatar

    Awesome!! Wish we could have made it down. As the “shine” wears off for some, other are just discovering the tools…and it is so exciting to see them as they learn.

  7. Paul L'Acosta Avatar

    Great to see another successful Podcamp Chris. I’ve been trying to check on new updates for one here in Nashville, TN but can’t get anyone to forward me if it’s been orchestrated at all. Anyhow, thanks for sharing with us the view on podcasting and hope you keep us, lucky subscribers, receiving your thoughts via this medium. Good luck!

  8. whitneyhoffman Avatar

    Thanks for your constant support and for being a part of Podcamp Philly year after year, Chris! There are always challenging moments putting together conferences, things behind the scenes you wish you did differently. But in the end, seeing so many people new to Podcamp have an amazing time, to see people learn and share makes it all worth while.
    Podcamp remains a great way to learn about creating digital media for the web, and with the SearchCamp sessions, figure out how to maximize any of your online projects. I learned more about the details and philosophy behind search this weekend than ever before. Gaining perspective from some of the best in the business has made me rethink how I counsel clients, and how important reputation is more than ever.
    Being able to deliver content, not only for people new to digital media and Podcamp, but for those who have mastered the basics but need to know more about taking projects to the next level is part of the genius of Podcamp and the flexibility it brings in its format. A few weeks before the event, when I swear I will give this up because of the stress, is always replaced by a sense of pride at how great it is to get everyone together and share.
    The campfire is still alive and well.

  9. courane01 Avatar

    Loved your Social Media ROI presentation. First time Podcamp attendee, and picked up great tips.

  10. whitneyhoffman Avatar

    Thanks for your constant support and for being a part of Podcamp Philly year after year, Chris! There are always challenging moments putting together conferences, things behind the scenes you wish you did differently. But in the end, seeing so many people new to Podcamp have an amazing time, to see people learn and share makes it all worth while.
    Podcamp remains a great way to learn about creating digital media for the web, and with the SearchCamp sessions, figure out how to maximize any of your online projects. I learned more about the details and philosophy behind search this weekend than ever before. Gaining perspective from some of the best in the business has made me rethink how I counsel clients, and how important reputation is more than ever.
    Being able to deliver content, not only for people new to digital media and Podcamp, but for those who have mastered the basics but need to know more about taking projects to the next level is part of the genius of Podcamp and the flexibility it brings in its format. A few weeks before the event, when I swear I will give this up because of the stress, is always replaced by a sense of pride at how great it is to get everyone together and share.
    The campfire is still alive and well.

  11. Courtney Engle Robertson Avatar

    Loved your Social Media ROI presentation. First time Podcamp attendee, and picked up great tips.

  12. CharlesSeymourJr Avatar

    Thanks to you and Chris Brogan, Chris, for starting the Podcamps.

    Here is my post, “Marketing Lessons From Podcamp Philly 3 (#PCPhilly3)”

    Whitney and her team worked really hard to get this set up… some amazing information was given out. Thanks so much.

    Charlie Seymour Jr

  13. CharlieSeymourJr Avatar

    Thanks to you and Chris Brogan, Chris, for starting the Podcamps.

    Here is my post, “Marketing Lessons From Podcamp Philly 3 (#PCPhilly3)”

    Whitney and her team worked really hard to get this set up… some amazing information was given out. Thanks so much.

    Charlie Seymour Jr

  14. CharlieSeymourJr Avatar

    Thanks to you and Chris Brogan, Chris, for starting the Podcamps.

    Here is my post, “Marketing Lessons From Podcamp Philly 3 (#PCPhilly3)”

    Whitney and her team worked really hard to get this set up… some amazing information was given out. Thanks so much.

    Charlie Seymour Jr

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