The power of not yet

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

There’s a little too much no out there.

No, you can’t.
No, you don’t have that.
No, that’s not affordable.
No, you’re not good enough.
No, you don’t know how to do that.
No, you can’t reach those customers.

The problem with no is in the finality of its tone. No cuts off possibility, especially inside your own head. Are you good enough to get this job? If your mind says no, then you move on – but chances are, you don’t come back, and that door of opportunity closes forever in your mind.

Not yet is the secret to coming back. It changes a definitive lack of possibility into a time-deferred possibility. It provides your own mind a way to acknowledge a realistic lack of resources, time, or knowledge without cutting yourself off from future potential.

Flowers of June

No says cut down the plant, it’ll never flower and it’s a waste of time and energy.

Not yet says you’re too early, but the buds are there and the blossoms will appear if you’re willing to be patient and keep caring for the plant.

This is super important if you’re dealing with anyone trying to learn, be it a student, child, or friend. If you ask an adult if they’re good at math, chances are they’ve got a lot of emotional baggage with that question and more often than not, you get an ashamed no, bringing back all kinds of unpleasant memories from childhood when someone told them that they were bad at math. Help them to reframe that answer into not yet, because it’s entirely possible to relearn something as an adult and develop amazing proficiency – if your mind is open to the possibility.

With children, this is even more important. If they believe no about themselves on a topic or field of study, that part of their future is gone forever. If you can teach a child to say not yet, and to believe that it’s just a question of more time to study something, that door remains open for them, and that potential can be revisited later on in life, perhaps with a better teacher.

What are you currently saying no to right now that you could be saying not yet to?

What potential have you taken away from yourself in the past that you can now go back to, knowing that you didn’t really mean no, but instead meant not yet?


8 responses to “The power of not yet”

  1. Jeremy Meyers Avatar

    Maybe “not yet” is even too close to no. In fact, there's a post about it on illuminatedmind.

    What about something like “Yes, in time.”

  2. chrisgeorge4 Avatar

    Hi Chris,

    I love this post and the thinking behind it. I had a horrible art teacher in grade school that always told me my art was horrible. So from middle school all the way through college I avoided anything that had to do with art like the plague. Now as an adult I wish someone would have said Not Yet instead of NO because I wish had a few more art skills as well as some basic art history knowledge.

    Thanks again for the thought provoking post.



  3. Jeremy Meyers Avatar

    Maybe “not yet” is even too close to no. In fact, there's a post about it on illuminatedmind.

    What about something like “Yes, in time.”

  4. stevecunningham Avatar

    So true, so true.

    What if JFK thought: “No, there's no way that we can land a man on moon”. What if Ghandi thought: “No, there's no way India can be a free nation”. What if Martin Luther King Jr. had thought: “No, there's no way we will end this struggle and live our lives in equality”. I could go on, and on, and on.

    The world is not changed by greatness or talent alone. It is changed by those who reject “no” and embrace “not yet”. JFK, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and scores of others have shown us what is truly possible when you transform the conversation you have with yourself.

    Thanks for this post – we all need a little inspiration once in a while!

  5. stevecunningham Avatar

    So true, so true.

    What if JFK thought: “No, there's no way that we can land a man on moon”. What if Ghandi thought: “No, there's no way India can be a free nation”. What if Martin Luther King Jr. had thought: “No, there's no way we will end this struggle and live our lives in equality”. I could go on, and on, and on.

    The world is not changed by greatness or talent alone. It is changed by those who reject “no” and embrace “not yet”. JFK, Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr. and scores of others have shown us what is truly possible when you transform the conversation you have with yourself.

    Thanks for this post – we all need a little inspiration once in a while!

  6. Michelle Mangen Avatar

    So very true…..a beautiful reminder to not “beat ourselves up” so much and to be more present in the here and now while we progress towards our ultimate destination.

  7. Michelle Mangen Avatar

    So very true…..a beautiful reminder to not “beat ourselves up” so much and to be more present in the here and now while we progress towards our ultimate destination.

  8. Michelle Mangen Avatar

    So very true…..a beautiful reminder to not “beat ourselves up” so much and to be more present in the here and now while we progress towards our ultimate destination.

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