The Top 10 Posts You Liked This Year

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The Top 10 Posts You Liked This Year

I am always shocked and honored to see so many people enjoying what I’ve had to share over the years. This year was no different, and I want to thank you by taking a look at what YOU thought were the most important posts on my blog this year.

The data, of course, is derived from Google Analytics. If you want to make your own Top 10 list, go read this post on Marketing Over Coffee. Sure, other posts from other years were more popular, but here’s what’s been the top of your list this year:

10. Top 10 Follow Friday Tips for Twitter, April 3

9. I was on a boat called PAB09, June 22

8. Will social media burn conferences to the ground?, July 2

7. Advanced Social Media Course is live!, November 4

6. What’s all the stuff in the early morning tweet about?, February 5

5. 5 tips for dominating local search, July 27

4. In your last hour, what would you write?, September 11

3. Arguing against your limitations, August 11

2. How to back up your WordPress blog in 60 seconds, May 16

1. Turning your Kindle into the best newsstand ever, May 4

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7 responses to “The Top 10 Posts You Liked This Year”

  1. mycrystal2you Avatar

    Nice reading all the post. I've bookmark your site.

  2. mycrystal2you Avatar

    Nice reading all the post. I’ve bookmark your site.

  3. jlbraaten Avatar

    Thanks for a great year of ideas, Chris. I am a big fan of your blog and Marketing Over Coffee (I even started listening to Media Hacks). I think your group of east coast Internet marketers is blazing the path in the industry. I've brought my organization so far in the just the past year by reading blogs like yours (as well as attending the USF Internet Marketing classes). Keep it up in 2010. Now you need to write a book so you can show off your record book sales to Brogan and Mitch Joel. Have a great and safe New Year's Eve!

  4. jlbraaten Avatar

    Thanks for a great year of ideas, Chris. I am a big fan of your blog and Marketing Over Coffee (I even started listening to Media Hacks). I think your group of east coast Internet marketers is blazing the path in the industry. I've brought my organization so far in the just the past year by reading blogs like yours (as well as attending the USF Internet Marketing classes). Keep it up in 2010. Now you need to write a book so you can show off your record book sales to Brogan and Mitch Joel. Have a great and safe New Year's Eve!

  5. Mark Dykeman Avatar

    I just discovered your blog this year, Christopher, but I always find it to be an interesting read. I'm also a sucker for things related to comics and super-heroes, even if it's just a mention in your blog title.

    Checking out your top 10! Best wishes for 2010!

  6. Mark Dykeman Avatar

    I just discovered your blog this year, Christopher, but I always find it to be an interesting read. I'm also a sucker for things related to comics and super-heroes, even if it's just a mention in your blog title.

    Checking out your top 10! Best wishes for 2010!

  7. Mark Dykeman Avatar

    I just discovered your blog this year, Christopher, but I always find it to be an interesting read. I'm also a sucker for things related to comics and super-heroes, even if it's just a mention in your blog title.

    Checking out your top 10! Best wishes for 2010!

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