Photo Friday: Morning sunrise

Warning: this content is older than 365 days. It may be out of date and no longer relevant.

In an effort to remind myself to take and post more photos, we’ll have a little fun called Photo Friday.

Morning sunrise over metro Boston reservoir
Click for a larger version

This is a sunrise I’ve been waiting to take ever since starting to work for Blue Sky Factory email marketing. It’s a reservoir near my house, not too far from I-90, and there’s a relatively unsafe
place to park on the side of the road that during regular traffic hours would be stupid to park in, but you can get away with it at sunrise because there’s not much traffic on the road at 5:30 AM.

I took three exposures, -2, 0, and +2 with my D90 and merged them in Photoshop.

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Photo Friday: Morning sunrise 1 Photo Friday: Morning sunrise 2 Photo Friday: Morning sunrise 3

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13 responses to “Photo Friday: Morning sunrise”

  1. Lance Avatar

    That sunset is amazing!! Love both the colors, and the peacefulness of it all.

  2. Russell Dean Roering Avatar

    Absolutely beautiful. Feels like there’s a life lesson somewhere in the fact you had to park in a “relatively unsafe” place to capture something beautiful, no? 🙂

  3. Lance Avatar

    That sunset is amazing!! Love both the colors, and the peacefulness of it all.

  4. DJ Waldow Avatar

    Totally kick ass.

    Not sure what this – “I took three exposures, -2, 0, and +2 with my D90 and merged them in Photoshop” means, but I love it.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  5. DJ Waldow Avatar

    Totally kick ass.

    Not sure what this – “I took three exposures, -2, 0, and +2 with my D90 and merged them in Photoshop” means, but I love it.

    DJ Waldow
    Director of Community, Blue Sky Factory

  6. Greg Avatar

    Awesome picture…mind if I use some of your Friday photos? with credit of course

  7. Greg Avatar

    Awesome picture…mind if I use some of your Friday photos? with credit of course

  8. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    You are welcome to do so under the Creative Commons license they are posted under. Please follow the attribution guidelines for each photo.

  9. Joe Thomas Avatar

    Great shot! It looks like a postcard.

  10. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    You are welcome to do so under the Creative Commons license they are posted under. Please follow the attribution guidelines for each photo.

  11. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    You are welcome to do so under the Creative Commons license they are posted under. Please follow the attribution guidelines for each photo.

  12. Joe Thomas Avatar

    Great shot! It looks like a postcard.

  13. Joe Thomas Avatar

    Great shot! It looks like a postcard.

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