Mind Readings: AGI Part 1: Demystifying AGI – What It Is and What It Isn’t

Mind Readings: AGI Part 1: Demystifying AGI - What It Is and What It Isn't

In today’s episode, you’ll learn all about Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a hot topic with a lot of misconceptions floating around. You’ll benefit from a clear and concise explanation of what AGI is and what it isn’t, helping you gain a deeper understanding of this game-changing technology. You’ll also discover why talk of a “singularity” or machines taking over the world is premature and based on misunderstandings of how AGI is developing. Tune in to separate AGI fact from fiction!

Mind Readings: AGI Part 1: Demystifying AGI – What It Is and What It Isn't

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Christopher Penn: In this five-part series this week, we’re going to tackle artificial general intelligence, a term that you’ve heard a lot in the news in all sorts of places. It’s not really clear to a lot of people what this means, partly because the folks who make systems keep moving the goalposts because of various things that are pretty clear that they’re not going to be able to achieve.

So we’re going to tackle what artificial general intelligence is, how we get there, when we’ll get there, what we can expect from it (assuming that we are able to actually create this thing), the unintended consequences and risks of it, and the ethics, governance, and what it all means in this five-part series this week.

So let’s get started with part one, which is what the heck is this stuff? Why are we even talking about this? Artificial general intelligence is an umbrella term that basically means computers that have the ability to have general intelligence.

What is general intelligence? It is when you approach a problem that you haven’t solved before. You may not have a lot of domain knowledge about it, but you give it your best shot. Because you have general, flexible, agile intelligence, you might be able to solve it.

You are walking through the woods and you see a plant, and you’re not sure whether the plant’s edible or not. So you look around and you sniff it, maybe you take a little taste of it. If it’s bitter, you’re like, “Yeah, nope, bitter things generally are bad.” Brightly colored things like red—bright reds—generally are kind of a warning.

You would apply general reasoning to a new situation you’ve never tackled before. You encounter a new animal and you’re like, “Well, it’s got legs, so it’s clearly walking around. It doesn’t look like I have wings, so it probably can’t fly.”

That’s general intelligence. Human beings and many animals have general intelligence: the ability to deal with a wide range of situations. Think about, for example, when you are in your basement, or you’re in your apartment somewhere, and something’s not working. An appliance isn’t working, maybe there’s a strange sound coming from somewhere. You may not be a plumber, you may not be an electrician, but you can at least get a sense of, “I think I know what’s wrong.” That’s a generalization, general intelligence.

Today’s AI is very narrow intelligence. It is good at a few things—really good, for example at, say, language—but terrible at music, or not great at symbolic logic. Really good at math if it’s classical AI, not good at math if it’s generative AI.

That narrow intelligence really limits what a tool can do because it can’t just adapt to new situations. It needs training, it needs prompting, it needs a lot of data to work with.

We’ve been talking forever now about how to improve your generative AI capabilities using better and better prompts and different prompt structure things. With a general intelligence system, you wouldn’t need to prompt it as much.

I always say in my keynotes, “Imagine generative AI like ChatGPT is the world’s smartest intern.” The intern is still clueless on day one. They don’t even know where the coffee machine is, and you’ve got to tell them how to do everything.

An artificial general intelligence system would be, instead of hiring an intern, hiring someone with 500 PhDs. You’re hiring a senior executive with 500 PhDs, where they can be a lot more autonomous, they can be a lot more adaptable, they can apply knowledge across a bunch of different domains. In employment terms, it’s like laddering up. Okay, you’re hiring a manager now instead of an intern.

That’s how to think about AGI. It does not necessarily mean Terminators, for example, or Commander Data from Star Trek. We’re not talking about sentient machines, although early, early conversation about AGI implied sentience. That’s not where these tools are going. Intelligence does not necessarily mean consciousness; there’s a difference between the two. You can have knowledge and capability in a system that isn’t alive. It’s not alive, it’s not aware, it has no agency.

It is unlikely anytime soon we’re going to have alive, living systems, AGI systems, just because the compute power to do that is really, really, really expensive. It’s beyond what we can do today.

So those are the three key characteristics of artificial general intelligence: it’s general, it’s flexible, it’s adaptable, and it is semi-autonomous in that it can make some decisions that constant human supervision. If you’ve watched recent Trust Insights live streams, we’ve shown how you write prompts that are semi-autonomous that can do a bunch of things that need to be told every single step of the way. AGI systems will be able to do more than that.

Some other things that people get wrong about AGI: that whole idea of a super intelligence is pretty far away. The idea of a machine that is so good at everything.

The reason why is because so much of what is real intelligence is rooted in more than just, say, language or images. You and I have vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell. We have five senses. We have very, very complex brains that are billions and billions of neurons linked together into a massive parallel computer. That’s the thing we forget: this is a computer up here. This is a computer. It’s an analog computer; it’s biological, it’s electrical, it’s chemical, but it is a computer that has massive parallel processing. That complexity is how we have things like consciousness.

Silicon computers, even though they’re very, very capable, don’t have the same parallelism. This device here can do crazy, crazy things, but its compute power is like that, like an ant, in terms of that parallelism.

To build a piece of technology that has that much parallelism, you would need giant, giant data centers the size of, you know, city blocks and then some. Even then, the complexity of interlocking those systems is just so far away, so far away.

There are pathways to get there, things like quantum computing, or bioneural computing. We have computers that have living tissue inside them, but we’re still far away from that.

The whole idea of Terminator and Skynet—probably not likely. Again, without that agency, AGI is just more tooling. It will be very flexible tooling, but still just more tooling.

There’s this belief that you’ll have a singularity. This is something that Ray Kurzweil talked about years ago, of a machine that is super intelligent and takes over the world—again, Skynet. Our current architecture doesn’t support that, and our current developments don’t support that. Could it happen? Sure, in theory, once you get to a machine that has agency of its own, but we’re really far away from that.

So there are plenty of tools that have that are starting to get there, like ChatGPT, but in the next part, in part two, we’re going to talk about what that ladder of progression is. But we’re still pretty far away.

So this is part one. Artificial general intelligence is a spectrum. It is something we’re trying to achieve: machines that can do general tasks with little to no additional training, very well, as well as a human being or possibly better. We’re not there yet, and we’ve got a long way to go.

So stay tuned for part two. Thanks for tuning in. I’ll see you on the next one. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button, subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already, and if you want to know when new videos are available, hit the bell button to be notified as soon as new content is live.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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