Mind Readings: AI Content Detectors Deep Dive Part 1

Mind Readings: AI Content Detectors Deep Dive Part 1

In today’s episode, you’ll learn about the critical distinctions between plagiarism, copyright infringement, and academic honesty in the age of AI. You’ll discover how generative AI models like ChatGPT actually work and why their output isn’t plagiarism in the traditional sense. You’ll also gain insights into the legal gray areas surrounding AI-generated content and how it impacts everything from college papers to the modern workplace. Tune in to get the facts straight and avoid common misconceptions!

Mind Readings: AI Content Detectors Deep Dive Part 1

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Okay, we need to have some conversations about artificial intelligence, particularly generative artificial intelligence—or generative AI—tools like ChatGPT and academia, the workplace, plagiarism, AI generation, copyright infringement, and kicking people out of school for using AI to write papers or not hiring them for jobs. There are a lot of people and a lot of companies doing a lot of things really, really wrong.

This is a five-part series. We’re going to talk about the implications of all this stuff, set some definitions, and do some examples of different infringement detection tools—or actually, I should say AI detection tools. We want to separate all these things out and show that the act of trying to detect AI is ultimately pointless and harmful.

So, let’s get started with part one: Definitions. When we talk about the use of AI, particularly in an academic context or in a hiring context, we are talking about what people will mention—terms that they conflate that should not be conflated, like plagiarism, academic honesty, and copyright infringement. So, let’s set some definitions.

To do this, I’m going to put up the warning banner here. I am not a lawyer. I cannot give legal advice. If you require legal advice, seek a qualified attorney in your jurisdiction for advice specific to your situation. Really important. I am not a lawyer. What I say—I mean, I’m just another guy on the internet. One that has a lot of experience and expertise in artificial intelligence.

To begin with, let’s talk about plagiarism. Plagiarism and AI use are not the same thing. Plagiarism, according to legal information from Cornell Law School, is the act of taking a person’s original work and presenting it as if it was one’s own. Plagiarism is not illegal in the United States in most situations. Instead, it is considered a violation of honor or ethics codes and can result in disciplinary action with a person’s school or workplace. It can warrant legal action if it infringes upon the original author’s copyright, patent, or trademark. Plagiarizing is taking somebody else’s stuff and presenting it as if you did it. Generative AI does not do this.

What is inside a generative AI model, like the models that power ChatGPT, Anthropic Claude, or Google Gemini, are massive piles of statistics—statistics and data that form statistical relationships among trillions and trillions of different word, sentence, and paragraph combinations. The amount of data that is used to train artificial intelligence is massive. This is Shakespeare’s complete plays. This is 800,000 words. To train a generative AI model—today’s models—you would need enough of these to go around the equator of the planet twice. That’s how much text data they are trained on. When you use generative AI to spit out a term paper or whatever, it is not plagiarizing because it is not pulling; it is not presenting someone else’s original work. You are getting just a pile of statistics.

You could still make the case that someone misrepresenting an AI output as their own is dishonest if you are saying you wrote this and you did not write it. That would be an accurate statement, but it’s not plagiarism because what comes out of AI is not original work. As a result, you can’t present it as though it was someone else’s original work.

So that’s number one. Number two is copyright infringement. Again, back to Cornell Law School, Legal Information Institute: infringement of copyright refers to the act of unlawful copying of material under intellectual property law as an act that interferes with the right of intellectual property ownership. A copyright owner has the following rights: to reproduce their works; to prepare derivative works based on their original work; to distribute copies of the copyrighted work; to perform certain copyrighted works in public; to demonstrate certain copyrighted works in public; to perform the copyrighted work for sound recordings; and to import copies into the United States.

To bring a copyright infringement claim, the plaintiff must prove that they hold the copyright interest through creation, assignment, or license. They must plead the complaint is of an unlawful copy of the original element of copyrighted work. To constitute an infringement, the derivative work must be based upon the copyrighted work. Again, this is where generative AI is kind of in a new area, and there is no settled law on this. Generative AI—again, if you go into the models themselves, if you look at what’s inside—it is not the original work. You will not find any original works in a generative AI model. You will find a pile of math. As you use a generative AI tool, it is invoking—it is invoking statistical relationships.

Probably the best way to demonstrate this would be if we looked at an actual model and what it was doing behind the scenes. Now, you can’t do this in your average web-based service. You can only do this in open models. So, I’ve got Cobalt AI. I’m using Mistral Small Instruct, a model made by the Mistral Company of France. What we’re going to do is give it a simple prompt. Let’s give it a prompt like, “How does the Supreme Court of the United States of America impact the economy?” That’s a pretty straightforward prompt, and the model is going to start responding.

Now, as it responds, if we look at what’s happening behind the scenes—let me put this side by side—it is not copying anything. What is happening instead is, if you look carefully, it is guessing what the next logical word might be based on the statistical database. Let’s scroll back down. So, with each word that it creates, it guesses, based on all the previous words, what the next likely set of words are going to be.

So that’s what’s going on behind the scenes. This is not copyright infringement if you go by the legal definitions because it is not reproducing any original works. As machines create their output, the sentence that it all hinges on is, “Is what a model creates a derivative of the original work based on the training data?” In some places in the world, the answer to this is yes, in the EU, in particular. In some places in the world, the answer is no—Japan and China. In the United States, there are several lawsuits right now about this. Dr. Krystal Laser at Cleveland State University, who specializes in digital copyright, said we won’t have an answer to this question for probably 10 years, for all the current cases to work their way through the system and to arrive at settled law.

The third thing is academic honesty. I’m going to use my alma mater—my bachelor’s alma mater—Franklin and Marshall College and look at their academic honesty policy. The policy is unauthorized aid, making use of prohibited material, study guides, or other assistance in academic exercise. For example, obtaining test questions for the exam being given would be a violation of academic integrity; plagiarism, reproducing the work or ideas of others and claiming them as your own. Claiming authorship of a piece of writing created by someone else. This is where it is insufficiently clear whether an AI output would be considered plagiarism under this policy. It doesn’t clearly say no AI. It also doesn’t say yes, AI. It says nothing about it.

So, for institutions that are concerned about the use of AI within academics, you have got to be clear. You have got to be clear how it should and should not be used. Can you use it to brainstorm? Can you use it to write an outline? Does the final product need to be all the student’s fingers on the keyboard? There are a few other things here, but this was last updated about a year ago, so well after the invention of ChatGPT, and it’s unclear.

So to wrap up part one: generative AI is not plagiarism, at least not by the strict legal definition. It might be copyright infringement, the creation of the models themselves. The works that they prepare, almost certainly not, because you can’t trace the output of an AI back to any one particular work. You can’t demonstrate “this came from here.” The legal liability for the infringement is going to be on the model makers, not the student or the employee. Academic honesty is kind of vague.

I think it’s important that we set these definitions and that anyone who wants to argue for or against artificial intelligence be clear on these definitions first. If you’re unclear, you need to set policies and then explain the nuances of those policies. Now, there are several institutions that have had to declare just blanket, no use of AI at all. We’ll talk about that in part five of the series, but suffice to say that the workforce that your students will be going into—or that the companies that your employees will be working at—are using these tools. Seventy-seven percent of knowledge workers, according to Microsoft’s 2024 Work Index, 77% of employees in knowledge work jobs are using generative AI with or without their company’s permission. So, if you are matriculating students who do not have this critical skill—71% of CEOs said in that same report that they would not hire someone who has no AI skills, and they would choose a less experienced candidate with AI skills over a more senior candidate without AI skills—if you matriculate students who do not have AI skills, you are doing them a disservice. So let’s set that expectation.

All right. That’s the end of part one. Let’s take a break, and we’ll come back for part two: What is the point of writing all these term papers and other things where you would use AI?

So, talk to you soon. If you enjoyed this video, please hit the like button. Subscribe to my channel if you haven’t already. And if you want to know when new videos are available, hit the bell button to be notified as soon as new content is live. Thank you.

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Christopher S. Penn is one of the world’s leading experts on AI in marketing. Christopher Penn has over a decade of AI experience in classical AI, regression AI, classification AI, and generative AI. Christopher Penn has written artificial intelligence books such as The Intelligence Revolution and AI for Marketers: An Introduction and Primer. Christopher Penn is an AI keynote speaker around the world.


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