The following daily

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Simple and easy way to show some love for people who mention you:

1. Go to and type in your Twitter handle with the @ sign.


2. For profiles you haven’t visited recently (blue links), control-click (on PCs) or command-click (on Macs) to open each profile in a new tab.

3. Swap through each tab (control-tab in Firefox) and click follow for everyone you’re not following.

Do this daily, every morning. This will ensure that folks who are kind enough to mention, reply, or retweet what you’ve got to share are paid attention to. Should take you a maximum of 5 minutes or so if you’re fast on the keyboard.

This is one of those things that you have to do daily. If you let it pile up, it will eat up a tremendous amount of time. If you manage it daily, it takes seconds, maybe minutes at most. Set an alarm on your calendar and do it without fail every day.

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8 responses to “The following daily”

  1. shersteve Avatar

    thanks for the quick and easy to use advice Chris!

  2. shersteve Avatar

    thanks for the quick and easy to use advice Chris!

  3. jlbraaten Avatar

    Sure… rub it in that you have tons of followers and people sending you Replies. It takes me all of a second to identify those folks. Some day, Chris, I'll achieve superstardom like you.

    BTW. The Media Hacks show is really great too. I like the less formal format to it. I especially liked your thoughts on the Twitter RT plans.

  4. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Start following a lot of people. That's the fastest way to build up your community, guaranteed.

  5. jlbraaten Avatar

    Sure… rub it in that you have tons of followers and people sending you Replies. It takes me all of a second to identify those folks. Some day, Chris, I’ll achieve superstardom like you.

    BTW. The Media Hacks show is really great too. I like the less formal format to it. I especially liked your thoughts on the Twitter RT plans.

  6. jlbraaten Avatar

    Sure… rub it in that you have tons of followers and people sending you Replies. It takes me all of a second to identify those folks. Some day, Chris, I'll achieve superstardom like you.

    BTW. The Media Hacks show is really great too. I like the less formal format to it. I especially liked your thoughts on the Twitter RT plans.

  7. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Start following a lot of people. That’s the fastest way to build up your community, guaranteed.

  8. Christopher S. Penn Avatar

    Start following a lot of people. That's the fastest way to build up your community, guaranteed.

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