Author: Christopher S Penn

  • Flax Tax Return

    Someone with an economics background tell me why we can’t do this with the IRS tax code:

    Flat Tax Proposal

  • A Nikon D40 Conversation

    A Nikon D40 Conversation

    I’ve been asking about the Nikon D40 and accessories on Twitter, and with the number of responses I’ve gotten back, it seemed appropriate to put it on a blog post instead. Here’s what I’ve got on my list of things to add:

    – more memory cards.
    – spare battery.
    – speed light plus omni-bounce
    – 50mm f/1.8 lens
    – 50-200mm VR zoom lens
    – polarizing filter

    The detailed list is here.

    DSLR experts – what would you add? What don’t I need, or what am I overlooking?

    Thanks in advance for all your advice!

  • Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 6 of 10 – Transcendent Wisdom

    Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 6 of 10 – Transcendent Wisdom

    Prajna Paramita
    Transcendent Wisdom

    As part of my every thought, word, and action, I am inspired by the heroic ideal of knowing highest truth. I keep sight of the big picture!

    Have you ever gotten so caught up in the details of an argument that you forgot completely what you were arguing about in the first place? Have you ever had the experience of looking back at an argument days or weeks later and even laughing about it with the person you were arguing with?

    The superhero power of “transcendent wisdom” sounds kind of funny, but it’s very authentic. Have you ever sat through a traffic jam and just as you got through the bottleneck, looked backwards to see the huge line of cars and thought, “Wow, I sat through all of that?” Transcendent wisdom is the power of being able to “look back” right now – to know that whatever situation you’re facing, not only will it pass, but it will probably be funny or at least a great story to tell in the times to come.

    Commit today and every day to take a step back from the entanglements of details to gain a greater appreciation for just how far you’ve come, and inspire your thoughts, words, and actions to power through whatever temporary frustrations and setbacks you might face, knowing you’ll be able to look back with appreciation later.

    Thought: Take a moment today to imagine how this day will look in the future, and what you want to be able to remember about how special it was.

    Word: In a conversation or blog post, consider how your words will read or be remembered in the future, and communicate skillfully to create great memories for the future.

    Action: Examine your to-do list today and accomplish one thing on the list that you will be able to point to in the future as a significant deed.

    Endnote: The powers themselves are translated by Senior Master Instructor Stephen K. Hayes from the Enlightened Warrior Gyoja Practitioner Recitation Handbook, published by the Kinryuzan Golden Dragon Mountain Kasumi-An Dojo.

  • Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 5 of 10 – Meditation

    Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 5 of 10 – Meditation

    Dhyana Paramita

    As part of my every thought, word, and action, I am inspired by the heroic ideal of concentrated awareness. I am in the moment here and now!

    Our society conspires against you every moment of every day to take you off course, away from your goals and dreams. Marketers flood you with advertisements, politicians mouth empty promises, and cutting through the fog of noise requires heroic effort unto itself. Every superhero has their retreat, their hidden sanctuary or fortress of solitude where they can go to reflect, recharge, and refocus. The real secret is that your personal fortress of solitude can go wherever you go, because it’s always inside you.

    Meditation means more than just sitting down and breathing, although that’s as good a place to start as any. Find what works for you, whether it’s Zen-style seated meditation, playing the piano for an hour, going for a long walk, or whatever it is you need to do to clear your head of distraction.

    Commit today and every day to finding something to tune into that is positive, inspiring, and uplifting, then tie that to a special word, gesture, or mental keyword that you can recall at a moment’s notice every time you engage in your meditation-style activity.

    Thought: find a memory, dream, or time in your life when you felt as close to perfectly calm and content as you can remember during every meditation-style activity.

    Word: with the memory in mind, assign a special word to it that you don’t use conversationally, perhaps in another language. Say it out loud during your meditation-style activity.

    Deed: create and assign a special gesture to your memory of contented calmness that you don’t use in daily life, such as dusting off imaginary dirt from your shirt, and make that gesture during your meditation-style activity. When life gets hectic, take a moment to say your special words and perform your special gesture to refocus your mind.

    Endnote: The powers themselves are translated by Senior Master Instructor Stephen K. Hayes from the Enlightened Warrior Gyoja Practitioner Recitation Handbook, published by the Kinryuzan Golden Dragon Mountain Kasumi-An Dojo.

  • Dear Facebook Friends…

    Looks like a busy morning on Facebook. Rather than try to reply to everything there, I thought I’d have some fun here instead.

    Sorry, Steve Webb, I won’t be at PME. Equally sorry, Bill Sobel, for not being able to make it for another NYMIEG. Wayne Cook, I’m still not attending any of that stuff. Most of it isn’t relevant to me, as I’m American and your invitations are largely Canadian. Maybe look up Amaya Thompson? She’s Canadian.

    Chris Johnston, cool app idea for the business card thing, but also, no on that. I’m trying to cut down on Facebook apps. They scare me a little. Same is true for TV Trivia, Jaan Lutter. No offense intended. Jeffrey, no on Top Friends as well. Top Friends is too elitist for my tastes. Aruleba Grace: no, I’m not going to become a werewolf, pirate, vampire, zombie, or sandwich. And I’m already a ninja in real life.

    Bob Rains, thanks for the tequila in the Booze Mail app, but I’m still not installing it, and besides, tequila is too generic a term to send me. There’s a difference between Cuervo and El Tesoro de Don Felipe. Same for the coffee. There’s a huge gap between Folger’s and a Sumatra Mandelhing 2005.

    Neda, no need to compare us. You’re WAY more attractive than I am, probably smarter, and 12 years my junior.

    Mohammed Naser, you don’t strike me as the type to go to luaus often, but thanks for the invite nonetheless.

    Did I answer everyone piling onto my Facebook page today? Except Kfir – dude, I RARELY check Facebook’s messaging system. Email me instead! I rarely check any social network’s messaging system, actually, because 99% of the messages are garbage.

  • Presenting at Emerson College : Slide Deck

    I’ll be presenting on Tuesday night at Emerson College on the topic of Social Networking and career search. In anticipation of the short 20 minute talk I’ll be giving as part of a panel, I’ve put together a small slide deck for participants and attendees.

    Download the slide deck in PDF format.

    Many thanks to Amanda Mooney and Bryan Person for creating this opportunity to discuss cutting edge social networking ideas for boosting your career.

  • Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 4 of 10 – Effort

    Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 4 of 10 – Effort

    Virya Paramita

    As part of my every thought, word, and action, I am inspired by the heroic ideal of courageous, diligent effort. I work to make things happen!

    The ability to make things happen, to get motivated to jump in and get the job done, the reputation of the person who always generates the results – these are superhero powers in their own right. Having someone who can create results is good – being the person who can create results is great.

    Positive momentum starts with the famous sneaker slogan – just do it. There’s an expression attributed to Voltaire – best is often the enemy of good (enough). Once you get rolling, it’s much easier to build momentum, so the very best time to do something is right now. Be the superhero who leaps into action (thoughtfully, of course) and leads from the front.

    Responsibility as a word has been tarnished by people unwilling or unable to act – it’s not an obligation, but the ability to respond, to act, to move forward when no one else is willing to step up.

    Commit today and every day to taking responsibility for your life and deciding where you will take your life, rather than where life will take you, in your thoughts, words, and actions.

    Thought: Take a moment today to create a to do list, but rather than prioritize solely in terms of importance, focus on what you can get done today.

    Word: Is there someone you’ve been meaning to call or write? Stop reading this blog post and go do it NOW.

    Action: What have you been putting off that you know you must accomplish? Do it now, do it today, and get it done.

    Endnote: The powers themselves are translated by Senior Master Instructor Stephen K. Hayes from the Enlightened Warrior Gyoja Practitioner Recitation Handbook, published by the Kinryuzan Golden Dragon Mountain Kasumi-An Dojo.

  • Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 3 of 10 – Patience

    Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 3 of 10 – Patience

    Kshanti Paramita

    As part of my every thought, word, and action, I am inspired by the heroic ideal of tolerant patience. I do not take opposition personally!

    The musician Munk has a striking lyric in one of his songs – for every light that shines, a shadow falls. The world is full of people who aren’t ready to be heroes yet, and may actually resent the idea that others are trying to go past our human frailties towards a life of meaning.

    As you awaken your superhero powers, there will be people who will think differently, speak harshly, and perhaps even act contrary to your and their own best interests. What may appear at first to be an enemy may simply be a call for help twisted beyond recognition. Rather than engage them in battle, just remember that every storm must pass. True, there are times when you will need to take a stand against legitimate supervillains, but those are few and far between.

    Commit today and every day to being mentally bulletproof by enduring and patiently waiting out battles that you don’t have to fight with focused thoughts, words, and actions.

    Thought: Take a moment today and every day when you feel an instinct to lash back at someone to ask yourself: is this a battle I need to fight, or can I just wait this out?

    Word: In a conversation today and every day, when you feel the need to react to someone else’s words, ask yourself how you can ignore, redirect, or even create confusion in the conversation rather than deliver a heated reply.

    Action: As you move through your daily life today and every day, practice taking a deep, satisfying, long breath with your eyes closed or partially shaded when you feel the physical effects of stress beginning to take hold of you.

    Endnote: The powers themselves are translated by Senior Master Instructor Stephen K. Hayes from the Enlightened Warrior Gyoja Practitioner Recitation Handbook, published by the Kinryuzan Golden Dragon Mountain Kasumi-An Dojo.

  • Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 2 of 10 – Discipline

    Awaken YOUR Superhero Powers : Power 2 of 10 – Discipline

    Jo Kai
    Shila Paramita

    As part of my every thought, word, and action, I am inspired by the heroic ideal of ethical discipline. I live my principles!

    Ever wonder why Superman doesn’t just do whatever he wants? After all, he’s invulnerable to just about everything, can fly, shoot fire from his eyes and countless other powers. Why doesn’t he just conquer the world?

    It comes down to principles. The character of Superman has principles that are as invulnerable as he is. You have them, too, superhero. You have things you believe in, you know right from wrong, and more importantly, you know when you cross that line, when you stray off the path.

    Likewise, you know what a fantastic feeling it is when you and what you believe in are perfectly aligned. Those are the days when everything just works, when you feel like you can accomplish anything, inspire anyone, and are on top of the world.

    Commit today and every day to live your beliefs with a focused thought, word, and action.

    Thought: Take a moment today and every day to find a principle, ethic, or belief in yourself that, privately, you know needs firming up, and find an emotionally satisfying reason to uphold that belief.

    Word: In a conversation you have today and every day, find a moment to reaffirm with a friend or to the world the things you believe in – not to evangelize, but to remind yourself of what’s important to you.

    Action: During an activity today and every day in which you know you compromise your beliefs – maybe it’s a cigarette you sneak at lunch – recharge your belief that you are WORTH your commitments to yourself, and shut down the little voice that wants you to compromise.

    Endnote: The powers themselves are translated by Senior Master Instructor Stephen K. Hayes from the Enlightened Warrior Gyoja Practitioner Recitation Handbook, published by the Kinryuzan Golden Dragon Mountain Kasumi-An Dojo.

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