
  • Spam is a market signal

    Here’s a thought. What is the killer app online? How would you measure such a thing? I’ll throw this out there: follow the spam.

    Spam = unsolicited commercial bulk messaging.

    Spam is a mass market play. Paraphrasing the words of Matt Mason (of the Pirate’s Dilemma), spam is a market signal.

    Why? Spam follows the money. You need massive quantities of people (who preferably don’t know what they’re doing online) to make spam work, since it probably has a conversion rate in the hundredths of a percent. Likewise, spam requires a marketplace where a minimal amount of work generates maximum results. Create once, send everywhere, wash, rinse, repeat. Spam that requires babysitting, customization, and customer service is a no-go. In the largely unregulated world of the Internet, spam is the marketplace acknowledging value and potential for commercialization.

    What does this mean for social media and all things 2.0? Simple. You can measure the probability of success for a service by how easily it is spammed, or by how much time the service has to devote to fighting spam. If spammers move in, congratulations – you’ve got a product or service that the marketplace thinks can or has the potential to reach large groups of people. You’re starting to see plenty of blog and podcasting spam in the form of RSS scrapers. You’re seeing spam on MySpace and Twitter. You see a never-ending flow of spam in your inbox.

    Spam is a market signal. If you operate a 2.0 service of any kind, and more of your time is going towards fighting spam, congratulations. The marketplace thinks you have serious, legitimate potential.

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  • Why pro conferences are different than PodCamps and why neither is better

    Company logoImage via Wikipedia

    Why pro conferences are different than PodCamps and why neither is better

    Some interesting discussion this morning on the differences between PodCamps and pro conferences like the Affiliate Summit, which I’m speaking at on a panel on Tuesday, August 12. A difference to highlight, from the registration page of the Affiliate Summit:

    PHOTOGRAPHY, RECORDING & VIDEO TAPING: Sessions may be photographed, recorded and/or video taped by Affiliate Summit. By your attendance, you give Affiliate Summit permission to be photographed, recorded or videotaped and agree to the public display and/or sale of the photographs, recordings and/or videotapes. Personal recording or videotaping of any kind during the event is prohibited.

    This is part of what separates PodCamp from pro conferences (that and the price tag, PodCamp Boston 3 was 50,99 at the door, the Affiliate Summit is 949 for early bird,1,949 at the door). That said, there are several very good reasons for pro conferences to prohibit recording, considerations that went into PodCamp and were ultimately rejected.

    1. Protection of speaker intellectual property. This is a big deal. PodCamp has been absolutely blessed by speakers like David Meerman Scott, Mitch Joel, David Maister, and many others, who normally charge tens of thousands of dollars to speak at a conference. The presence of any kind of recording online causes them real economic harm – it literally costs them money, since it makes them a less valuable speaker. Why? Exclusivity counts for a lot. Imagine being a conference planner and trying to advertise that your pro conference has information that’s exclusively available at your conference… and then finding out that your keynote speaker can be found on or mDialog for free. You’re less likely to book that speaker as opposed to someone who’s always behind a paywall.

    2. Protection of conference revenue. One of the biggest sellers at a conference? The conference DVD, often for up to 2/3 of the price of the conference. If you pay 1,949 for the conference and the DVD is available for695 or you can see it on YouTube for free, which will you choose? More important, if recordings are freely available online, why would you go to the conference in the first place?

    3. Protection of conference attendees. As we said at PodCamp Boston, the conference is the hallway. At top-tier pro conferences, there are a lot of folks floating around who, quite frankly, don’t want to be recorded for any reason unless they’re compensated to be, and that’s fair. That’s their choice. Some of these folks have exceptionally valuable information that isn’t intended for the world to consume, and the premium they charge for that information is their prerogative.

    All of these considerations are valid, and make good sense for a professional conference model. That’s an important distinction, because a lot of folks in social media believe PodCamps, BarCamps, etc. are the evolution of the conference, and that the models which power PodCamps, BarCamps, and unconferences are the right way to go for professional conferences.

    They are not.

    Professional conferences and unconferences are two completely different animals, two completely different models. Professional conferences work on a revenue model that emphasizes profitability. Speakers get paid and share proprietary information, attendees pay and derive value from sessions (not to mention craploads of handouts, printouts, etc.) and access to VIPs, vendors and sponsors pay and get lead generation lists and access to top level corporate folks. Everything works.

    Unconferences emphasize a revenue model of meeting costs. Attendees occasionally pay, sponsors pay for exposure, speakers don’t get paid, but the net effect is that everyone pays much less than a pro conference. An “expo floor” booth at an unconference will probably run a company 1,000 or less. An expo floor booth at a pro conference will cost at least10,000, if not more. Because no one’s making money beyond meeting costs, expectations are lower and people are more free. Again, everything works.

    Which model is right? Both are right for their roles, and both are supremely wrong out of context. A professional conference that let recordings be free would do itself significant economic harm. A PodCamp that sold its registration list for $25/head would be demonized by its community. It’s inappropriate for members of either style of conference to criticize the other for not being more like them, since each plays a vitally important role in the events ecosystem, and each attracts the crowd that wants to be there.

    There’s room enough for everyone, pro conferences and unconferences alike.

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  • The Strangest Ninja Garb Ever

    Hat tip to Stephen K. Hayes for this gem from Japan.

    Who knew?

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  • What YOU Can Do To Endure the Bad Times

    It’s not like there’s too many walls.
    It’s not like I don’t have the balls.
    It’s just that I, well, I don’t know how
    to live my life in the here and now.
    – Matthew Ebel, This Too Shall Pass

    A few folks have lamented that whenever I blog about economic issues, it’s never positive. In fact, it can be downright apocalyptic in tone. I make no apologies for the twitter stream and pile of blog posts that highlight just how unstable our economy is, but a few other folks have asked for something more than just paralyzing fear. What can we do, they ask?

    That’s a good question. On a macro level, not much. The market has to correct itself, and government meddling (particularly to save preferred investors) will only prolong the misery. We’ve essentially poisoned ourselves, economically, and the only cure is to flush the poison out. The longer we take, the longer we wait to make hard choices, the more it hurts and the more permanent damage the poison does. Ultimately, I believe as I mentioned in the past that this economic downturn won’t hit bottom for a few more years – we took years to climb to the top of an absurdly overinflated peak, and we have at least the same amount of time on the ride down.

    I’m punching out, it’s time to go.
    My days are numbered, this I know,
    but as it turns out no one burns out
    ’till they think they’re in control.
    – Matthew Ebel, This Too Shall Pass

    On a personal level, you can do a tremendous amount. First, close to home. Pare back spending. I mean it. You may or may not be feeling the effects as drastically as your fellow citizens, but pare back anyway. Learn to cook. Learn to make a decent cup of coffee at home. Learn to do more with less – and you may be surprised when you do that you’ll uncover skills, aptitudes, and pleasures you’d bypassed for convenience’s sake. I recently made strawberry mint jam with my wife and for the price of a few jars of commercial swill, we made 20+ jars of the most incredible thing you’ve probably put in your mouth recently.

    Teach and share as much as you can. If you find a great bargain, tell your network about it. If you discover a new trick, or a new way to optimize something in your life, share. Teach, share, trade. Got a super low cost recipe for a great dish? Blog it. Know of a good deal coming up? Tell us all. For example, I’m a huge advocate of Craigslist and Bargainist, both of which have terrific free sections.

    If you’re religious, this is a great time to unplug the television, filter out some of the distractions of daily life, and give some study time to your faith. As things get worse – and they will, before they get better – people in every community will need pillars to lean on, and those pillars aren’t just the guy or gal up at the podium. If faith sustains you and those you care about, focus on learning how to power up and recharge fast.

    Help. Help as much as you can, in any way that you can, even if it’s something as minor as retweeting something. Get out of the digital world if you can and go help in the real world. Raise money for a non-profit like Second Harvest or the charity of your choice. Tutor a kid in the local school. Volunteer for a campaign like College Goal Sunday. If you’re a social media maven, change your focus from the fishbowl to using the power of the tools you have to effect change and make your patch of the world a better place.

    Plug into some uplifting music and have it handy. Music is incredibly powerful and can change your mood instantly if you let it.

    Most of all, understand that this is an end of an era, but not the end of the world. There is and will be a great deal of need in the days, weeks, months, years to come, a great deal of suffering and pain – as it has been for millennia, and as it will be for millennia to come, long after we’re gone. The periods of relative prosperity are tempered with periods of relative pain, but as long as we focus on the things that really matter – the people we care about and who care about us, our community (virtual and real), our patch of reality that we can call our own – we can be rocks, mountains of strength against the maelstroms of uncertainty.

    I work all day and
    take my time to smell the grass.
    I’d run away but I know
    I can’t run that fast.
    Life may be short,
    but boy is it a blast
    and all this too shall pass.
    – Matthew Ebel, This Too Shall Pass

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  • Why politics makes me sick

    I’m exceptionally proud of the PodCamp Boston 3 community.

    1,000 raised and donated to feed hungry kids in the greater Boston area.

    According to the Greater Boston Food Bank, the agency we donated to, they can take that and provide more than two meals per dollar donated.

    That means the PodCamp Boston 3 community, which earmarked the food for kids programs, has in effect fed over 2,000 kids in the Boston area.

    America’s Second Harvest estimates that 35 million Americans are hungry or at significant risk of hunger. One in four is a child.

    Providing food assistance to all of kids, basic assistance, would cost about3 billion per year.

    The total amount spent on JUST the presidential election so far is $1,087,990,028. (source)

    What do we have to show for it?

    All those kids go to bed hungry at night still. No amount of lip service from Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, or any of the other candidates is putting an ounce more food on the tables. Sure, it’s feeding the families of advertisers, marketers, PR folks, political spin masters, and campaign staff, but in terms of making an actual difference to the people that politicians are supposed to be serving?

    Why politics makes me sick 13This is why, when asked, I don’t bother donating to political campaigns. Let the special interests waste their money on it. $25 could buy 7/100th of an inch of a full page ad in the New York Times, or it could buy a 30 pound bag of brown rice that could feed a child for a couple of months. That’s an easy choice – do the most good you can with scarce resources.

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  • Whale of a fail, pure silly fun

    Anyone old enough to remember the classic Disney film 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?

    Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya lads,
    A whale of a FAIL or two
    ‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
    Of days and nights with endless nerds
    A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
    I swear at FriendFeed too.

    There was the robot all broken up
    Upside down birds, no more tweeting
    Was the romance poor? Was it 404?
    Maybe it was simply fleeting.

    Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya now,
    A whale of a FAIL or two
    ‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
    140 letters and real short words
    A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
    Looks like Jaiku is down too.

    You’ve hit the limit, no more follows
    Can’t tell the world your sorrows
    Your status blog updates rings hollow
    Never mind, we’ll try again tomorrow

    Got a whale of a FAIL to tell ya girls,
    A whale of a FAIL or two
    ‘Bout the flying birds and tweeting herds
    A business model would be absurd
    A whale of a FAIL and it’s all true
    At least the whale is cute.

    The original:


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  • Why does Coca-Cola screw over schools in My Coke Rewards?

    Slackershot: Looking for experience, joy, unity...We drink a lot of soda here at the office, since we have a volume deal with a local distributor, one of the many benefits of working at the Student Loan Network. As a result, I collect and redeem a LOT of bottle caps for the My Coke Rewards program. One of my favorite things, of course, is to donate Reward Points to helpful causes, but recently, I was looking at the regular rewards vs. the school rewards programs, and I’ve noticed a distinct sense of unfairness – to help schools, it felt like you had to redeem far more points per material good than in the regular program.

    Not being satisfied with a vague feeling, I decided to do a little comparison shopping, and worked up the following spreadsheet.

    Notes: PPD is points per dollar. As much as possible, I tried to stick to real world pricing engines like Amazon and Google Checkout, and tried to pick the item depicted in the My Coke Rewards interface in the comparison shopping engines.

    Click here for the full version.

    My suspicions were not only confirmed, but the magnitude of unfairness is 3.5x – a school item on average is 3.5x more costly in terms of reward points to real world value than the regular giveaway items.

    So what gives, Coke? I would think if you’re trying to build goodwill, items in the school channel program would be CHEAPER on a points per dollar basis than regular items, rather than 3.5x more expensive. Is this simply a way of saying that people are suckers when it comes to supporting charity and can’t do math? Or is this saying that Coke would rather hand out trinkets to consumers directly than throw greater financial support to educational programs? (that’s what the numbers say)

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  • The solution to the offshore drilling question…

    … is surprisingly simple.

    Open up the protected reserves we have to offshore drilling. They are our natural resources, after all, and better we should rely on our resources in the short term than on other nations, particularly nation-states not friendly to us.

    Then nationalize the production – i.e. cut out ExxonMobil (ticker: XOM) and the other energy companies.

    Nationalize it, use it as a jobs program to create lots of additional jobs that out of work Americans need.

    Nationalize it, and divert all the profits from 140/barrel oil to the national debt. Don’t subcontract out to the private sector and push profits to private industry which clearly does not need them. Yes, they may have expertise, but so what? Hire away their experts.

    There are, by some estimates, 28 billion barrels of oil out there that are currently under moratorium.

    At100/barrel, significantly under today’s prices, you’re talking enough money to destroy 20% of the national debt.

    Open up, drill, create jobs for Americans, nationalize the profits, and use a limited natural resource to start freeing future generations of Americans from the debts we’ve created.

    I’d like to think this proposal gets the most out of our limited resources. More jobs for Americans, money for energy staying in America instead of going overseas, profits from oil going not to the private sector which shouldn’t get a dime, but to the national debt.

    Disclosure: I’m thoroughly unqualified to be speaking on the topic. Never took geology, don’t know a thing about oil production beyond the basics of refining, and never studied economics. That puts me at roughly the same level of expertise as your elected representatives.

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  • Rich Meals for Poor Times

    The challenge is on. If you want to MAKE something useful as part of a new media experiment, join Rich Meals for Poor Times, a project we’re doing as part of the practical application part of PodCamp Philly. Contribute recipes, ideas, resources, etc. and let’s see if we can’t achieve some amazing results!

  • Throwing down a challenge to PodCamp Philly

    I’ve been reading some very insightful comments about PodCamp Boston 3 over the past few days, and this one from Chris Cavallari really stuck out.

    I especially liked this:

    In my talks with other podcampers, one of the issues that came out of PCB3 was the desire to actually create something at Podcamp. At this point, many of us are veterans of podcamps and new/social media, and are looking to expand our horizons. The sessions, while mostly interesting and informative, are generally rehashes of things we’ve seen and done for several years now. Many of us want some kind of track where we can physically put the skills we’ve learned and honed to good use.

    Here is the challenge that faces America right now – people are making hard choices between gasoline and food, between college and electricity, between losing their house and losing their life.

    We can’t do much at a single PodCamp to influence global policy, not yet. We can attempt to keep the carbon footprint of PodCamp as small as possible, as PodCamp SA did. We can’t influence ExxonMobil or the other energy companies directly yet, though new media folks are starting to work their ways into the blue chips.

    What can we do?

    Two things are squeezing the average Joe right now – food and fuel.

    Here’s the social media challenge for PodCamp Philly, appropriate for the city of Brotherly Love, Geno’s, Pat’s, and some of the worst poverty I’ve seen in an American city.

    Let’s make a social media cookbook that we can complete and distribute by the time PodCamp Philly is over. The focus? Making food as affordable as possible.

    I’m reminded to say that this is open to everyone, not just people attending PodCamp Philly.

    What might this entail? Between now and the close of PodCamp Philly, find, create, revise, and publish recipes using the lowest cost foodstuffs available that still satisfy basic nutritional needs and don’t resemble gruel. Use social media and real life connections to talk to a grandparent that got by during the Depression. Find old wives’ recipes and dig up ideas from old church community books. Dig deep into your community and history to find the treasures hiding just out of sight, like how to make popcorn on a stovetop or jam from scratch. How to bake a loaf of bread yourself. How to make pasta or plant an herb garden.

    Let’s unite all of our networks, all of our knowledge, and all of our generations we have access to. Let’s take this information, these recipes, and blog them, with instructions and cost breakdowns. Video them and publish the videos as tutorials. Record audio walkthroughs. Let’s rip a PDF of this that can be distributed to every soup kitchen and food pantry in America, something that they can then pass on to their customers. Let’s fire up iMovie and iDVD, Libsyn and Blubrry, and make some media worth distributing. Let’s grab Chef Mark Tafoya, Jennifer Iannolo, Nina Simonds, Kathy Maister, Ming Tsai, and ask the hell out of everyone doing a cooking show in new media to help us with this goal. Let’s get Second Harvest, United Way, and every corporation with some dollars to spare to get involved and sponsor this project.

    Our goal? A social media collection detailing cheap, easy, healthy food so that a parent with 5 dollars in their pocket can do at least SOMETHING other than the dollar menu at a fast food chain.

    Then, at PodCamp Philly, let’s put it all together. Let’s assemble it, put up the web site, search engine optimize it, use all of our social media powers to promote the hell out of it with every service we can get our hands on, and see just how far we can lob the thing into the air.

    Are you game?

    I’m reminded to say that this is open to everyone, not just people attending PodCamp Philly.

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