The background: individual sponsor tables were set up by PodCamp NYC organizers so that sponsors could share what they had to offer with the community.
This particular lifecasting crew decided that they’d set up shop on a sponsor’s table (having not sponsored themselves) and when asked to leave so that the sponsor could set up, reacted… well, watch the video.
The result, of course, is what you saw above.
Whitney did a superb job managing PodCamp NYC and meeting the expectations of the sponsors – without whom there would have been no PodCamp NYC, period. For this particular group of folks from to behave as they did was inappropriate at best.
Food for thought:
We were pleased and happy to have Michael Geoghagan and Tim Bourquin from Podcast Academy and New Media Expo, respectively, at PodCamp NYC. In the world of new media, reputation is everything, and in this case, a lifecasting crew from has demonstrated why “pro” events like NME might not want folks like this at their events.
Food for thought:
It’s very easy to behave irresponsibly when you have absolutely no investment in an event or in the community which you ostensibly belong to. After watching this video, I’m tempted to INCREASE the price of ticketing for events like PodCamp Boston to ensure that participants, if they lack an understanding of the social contract of a free event (for participants, not sponsors) like PodCamp NYC, at least understand the financial contract of paying to attend, and the financial consequences of being asked to leave.
New media community: prove me wrong. Prove that this crowd is the exception rather than the norm, that the community is wholly capable of self-policing and self-sanctioning itself, so that organizers can focus on bringing great experiences to you and not having to play parenting to the minority that chooses to willfully act badly. Prove that the new media community is capable of actively managing itself so that ticket prices for events like PodCamp don’t have to be financially onerous just so it’s clear what the value being provided is.
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