
  • Are we in a recession? Yes. Here's how you know

    Take a look at these Google search trends for the word recession.

    Google trends - recession

    And for just 2007:

    Google trends - recession

    You don’t Google it if it’s not on your mind.

  • Google Reader, Your Newspaper, and Chris Brogan

    Google Reader, Your Newspaper, and Chris Brogan

    Google Reader, Your Newspaper, and Chris Brogan 1The first impression I have of Chris Brogan is from a presentation at BarCamp Boston. Actually, the first impression was watching him try to record a presentation by holding an iRiver 1 inch from a speaker cabinet, but beyond that, he did a great presentation on building content networks. One of the takeaway moments of that presentation was when he took a copy of the Boston Globe he’d stolen from his neighbor’s driveway and tore it up in front of the crowd into individual articles. He handed out an article to each person and said, “This is blogging.”

    Each person’s blog is, in this model, a newspaper column. People don’t pay to read individual newspaper columnists, in his presentation, people pay for the newspaper, and the ads in the Boston Globe are no different than AdWords or banner ads, really.

    What Google Reader does with its shared items and shared items of friends is no less than let you publish your own newspaper. You incorporate the authors you read and like into your own reading, which is your field reporting staff, and then hand-pick all the best stuff out for your friends and the world. That’s the distilled newspaper, YOUR newspaper, the newspaper that you’d gladly pay for if someone actually published it for you. It’s your news.

    Your Google Reader Shared Items is every bit a part of your personal brand and worldview as any other form of media you publish. Some people might call it reblogging or lazy man’s blogging, but the reality is that it’s as much work to edit a newspaper as it is to write for one, and Google Reader Shared Items is a newspaper with you as the editor. What you choose to share reflects on your personal brand and what you think is important in the world. Want to check out a new employee? See what’s in their Shared Items. Want to see what’s on your boss’ mind? You know which newsstand to hit.

    What’s in the headlines of Your Daily News?

    photo courtesy of Mr. Brogan’s Flickr feed. 

  • 2008 Super Bowl Ad : $2,700,000 per spot

    That’s a heck of a lot of money.

    Think about what else that money could buy.

  • Prospering in the downturn

    Prospering in the downturn

    It’s absolutely no secret that the US economy is headed to hell in a handbag, and honestly, it’s overdue. We’ve spent the last 20 years inflating one bubble after another – defense in the 80s, tech in the 90s, real estate in this decade – and the time for another correction has come. That said, while I believe that many of the large financial institutions need to get their houses in order and take their knocks, I also desire no harm to come to my family, friends, and community. Here are some thoughts about how to weather the storm and even prosper during it.

    First and foremost, get your own house in order. Figure out exactly where you are financially, and do your best to clean house. Cut down discretionary expenses as much as you can without turning to a miserable quality of life. You -must- have three months’ mandatory expense funding set aside, or as close to it as you can. That will give you a cushion of three months to figure out next steps in the case of job loss.

    Having a strong personal network is more important than ever. Not just a strong network, but a large one, one in which you participate and try to help as many people as you can and ask them to do the same. With so many social networks and digital communities, this is easier than ever. A strong network will provide you with information you’ll need to make decisions, and will also provide you with leads if you need a job, etc. as long as you bring as much or more value to the people in your network. The key is to get building as fast as possible. Reconnect with old friends, establish new friends. Attend conferences and other meetups, such as PodCamp, BarCamp, MacCamp, etc. that are free or low cost. Look for opportunities to help others.

    I strongly recommend Keith Ferrazzi’s book, Never Eat Alone, as a good guide on network building.

    Build a strong personal brand. Having a personal brand that’s established, clear, and unambiguous gives you the advantage of being memorable. If you can speak confidently about something you’re an expert in, you’re heads and shoulders above most people who can barely put together two words about themselves. That will translate into more opportunities for you. Be clear about yourself, about your goals, and about your passions, and you will build presence.

    I strongly recommend Mitch Joel’s Six Pixels of Separation blog for more reading on personal brand.

    A downturn is also a crowd thinner – if you’re able to weather the storm, once it’s over you’ll find the playing field emptier than normal. Strategically speaking, as competitors go bust during a downturn, if you’re able to weather it, you’ll pick up marketshare and when business trends upwards again, you’ll be in a much stronger position.

    What things will you do to weather the economic downturn?

  • Make Music with Gumballs and MIDI

    Hat tip to Erik Carlsson for the link to this insanely cool idea.


  • Have you had your coffee today?

    Your Marketing Over Coffee, that is. It’s the weekly show I do with John Wall of Ronin Marketeer and The M Show in a Dunkin Donuts in Framingham.

  • Skyhook Wireless, iPhone, iPod Touch, and Big Brother

    Interesting takeaway from Macworld today:

    Skyhook Wireless has driven around the US and Canada, mapping 23 million Wi-Fi hot spots to a GPS. Even if you’re not connected to the hot spot, the beacon service knows which hot spots you’re near, so when you use the Maps application on the iPod Touch or iPhone, you still get location data.

    Neat, huh? Cool, huh? as Steve Jobs said.

    Wireless is bidirectional.

    You know what hot spots are near, and Skyhook’s service can triangulate on that.

    The hot spots know you’re near. When you turn on your Wi-Fi enabled device, the grid knows where YOU are. All the time. As soon as that Wi-Fi laptop, iPod, iPhone, or other device powers on and starts looking for access points.

    Food for thought.

  • MacWorld takeaways for podcasters & new media

    A few initial thoughts…

    1. The MacBook Air is a lovely product, designed for the road warrior. I foresee great uses for it for conferences and things, but it’s not going to be a media machine. 80 GB will go awfully fast. 1 USB port and no Firewire are also inhibitors. Look for Multi-touch features on future MacBooks and MacBook Pros if you want the cool stuff – I’d bet WWDC.

    iPod Touch Lyrics2. The iPod Touch and iPhone have lyrics restored – so if you’re a podcaster, be sure you’re copying and pasting your show notes into the lyrics tab for all the world to see as a self contained show.

    3. iTunes continues to be the venue of choice, unsurprisingly, for Apple devices. If your podcast isn’t in iTunes, it’s not in any of Apple’s stuff.

    That’s the immediate takeaways for new media producers.

  • Failing marks for live social media at MacWorld

    Failing marks for live social media at MacWorld

    MacWorld 2008 brought lots of anticipation and excitement to the new media world. New devices, new toys, etc. What it didn’t bring was new infrastructure to popular net-based services like and Twitter, both of which suffered badly under load, in some cases becoming inoperable.

    Here’s the scary thought. Twitter buckled under load. uStream buckled under load. Back during Katrina, there was talk about how the Internet could act as a channel during a crisis, helping keep people connected when other options failed. Based on the performance of two presence/real-time applications today, with a known, planned event, I wouldn’t put these applications in your emergency first aid kit as dependable.

  • Why Social Media and New Media Can Be Mentally Damaging

    Why Social Media and New Media Can Be Mentally Damaging

    In a recent discussion with my teacher, Mr. Mark Davis, one of the topics that came up was how we remember things. At one point, the conversation turned to social media and new media, and how new media can be incredibly damaging to our perceptive abilities for one reason: we always assume there’s a replay.

    Think about it. Missed a point in that audiobook? No big deal, just shuffle back some. Didn’t see a play in the game? Instant replay will beat it to death for you. Couldn’t go to a conference? It’s on YouTube. Even if you were there, if you weren’t paying attention and were just chatting, the conference DVD or podcast will have what you missed.

    The key point is that we become more mentally unfit every time we outsource our ability to perceive and remember. We become so accustomed to being able to download a copy or stream a video that our faculties for capturing a moment in our minds diminish.

    Why does this matter? It only matters if you find yourself in situations, in moments in life, when nobody and no device is recording. Chances are you’re not already recording when a child takes a first step or says a parent’s name for the first time. Chances are you’re not already recording when a master teacher demonstrates a technique just once. Chances are you’re not already recording when a singular event happens on the street nearby. Oh, lots of people will likely be able to get various devices up and running quickly, but your mind is the only always-on, always-recording device that’s instantly ready to go – if you train it to be.

    Is new media bad? Of course not. But it does have consequences.

    How do you counteract the degradation of human faculties in an ever-increasingly wired world? Cultivate them. Give yourself exercises to practice. For example, look at a picture of a crowded street for a few seconds, then try to recall as many things as possible from the scene from memory. Listen to a melody or conversation just once and reproduce what you can. In these ways and many more, you can give your brain the mental fitness it needs to capture the moments of your life as you live them, instead of lamenting a device’s boot up time.

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