Category: Advertising
You Ask, I Answer: Estimating YouTube Ads Performance?
Natchi asks, “What is the best way to estimate YouTube Ads KPIs performance for a certain budget, duration etc?” For campaigns that are in-flight and have enough data, use the Google Ads simulator. That will tell you what some common scenarios look like. Otherwise, cobble together your best estimate based on data from SEO tools…
You Ask, I Answer: Determining Facebook Ads Effectiveness?
Jen asks, “How can brands find out which kind of Facebook Ads work best for them?” You’ll need to do a content assessment in 4 layers: – Audience content – Your own content – Competitive content – Landscape content Once you’ve done all 4, you’ll have an understanding of what the different concepts and media…
You Ask, I Answer: How Often Should Ads Be Changed?
Jen asks, “How often do you feel like ads should be changed out and freshened up?” I don’t feel anything. I look at the data. Look for diminishing returns, and use that as your determinant for when to make a change. How do you calculate that? With a moving average change indicator. Can’t see anything?…
You Ask, I Answer: Why do Recommendation Engines Fail?
Oz asks, “Why is some consumer AI so bad? Instagram senses that I like bright-colored clothes. Then it shows me ads for bright-colored clothes that are also cheap crap that I’d never buy. What is the perspective of the companies? – It works great for most people. – We just need to get this right…
You Ask, I Answer: Pausing Ads During the Election?
Lea asks, “Curious about your thoughts on when to pause any ad campaigns (in US) across the board during the election?” I wouldn’t necessarily pause unless you’re targeting so broadly that you’ll be bidding and competing for the entire adult population. What you should do is monitor your performance and pricing like a hawk, and…
You Ask, I Answer: What Makes Effective Facebook Ads?
Jen asks, “How can brands find out which kind of Facebook Ads work best for them?” One way to approach this problem is with large scale data analysis. In your industry, gather up a list of Facebook Pages and use any service which can address the Facebook API like Facebook’s Crowdtangle, then filter to only…
You Ask, I Answer: Advertising Your Podcast?
Lindsay asks, “Have you ever done any spends to increase podcast reach? Is there anything like a Facebook boost for podcasts?” For Marketing Over Coffee, we spend a hundred bucks or so a month on the show name and category. If your podcast has a decent website, treat it like any other web property. You…
You Ask, I Answer: Ad Value Equivalence and PPC Ads?
Alessandra asks, “The customer is getting leads organically in the same number as before the start of the ads campaign, so the few conversions (1 month running) makes him think it’s not worthwhile to advertise. My thoughts are going in the direction of explaining the value of impressions on their own, the values of clicks…
You Ask, I Answer: Impact of Google Ads?
Alessandra asks, “I am running a Google Ads campaign for a customer, but results are not showing (yet). The conversions are few, thought CTR is over 7%. Besides analyzing ads, keywords and landing pages, what “business” considerations can I make to the client to convince him that it’s worthwhile to continue to invest in ads?…