Category: Books
Tinkering is innovation
Not everyone is a creative genius. Not everyone can pull a rabbit out of a hat, create something from nothing, dream up fantastical new inventions. Believe it or not, I’m in that boat, just like most of you. I am less inventor, more tinkerer. Tinkerers are different to inventors. Tinkerers take things and, ideally, make…
Sneak Peek: Leading Innovation Framework
My newest book, Leading Innovation, debuts on Monday. Here’s a sneak peek about implementing innovation as a framework. Innovation doesn’t happen in a bubble. We need others to embrace it. We need an innovation cookbook, a set of recipes — of tactics — the rest of our team can read. How do we create an…
Writing Workflow with Scrivener
Tamsen Webster recently asked about my workflow for publishing books using the Scrivener book publishing software. In this short 6 minute video, I walk through the creation of a book outline using the mind mapping software of your choice (assuming it can export to OPML), Scrivener, and then the Kindle app.
Should you self-publish or work with a publisher?
Self-publishing has undoubtedly made the book publishing process much more democratic. People can publish themselves or work with a publisher, and on the whole, that’s a good thing. We see this happening across so many media channels. YouTube democratized TV. Podcasting democratized talk radio. Blogging democratized op-eds; Twitter democratized news to the point where some…
Are you on the MAP? (Marketing Affiliate Program)
I’m grateful that many of you have enjoyed my books and publications over the years, from Marketing White Belt to the most recent Marketing Blue Belt. Today, I want to unveil a new way for you to be a greater part of these books: join the Marketing Affiliate Program! What’s in it for you? By…
Buff up your beach brain!
Summertime is in full swing, as evidenced by the sheer number of out of office replies I’ve been getting to my newsletter. To help you make the most of it, I’ve put together my annual summer reading list. I can’t do much about your beach body, but I can give you some suggestions on buffing…
What order should you read my marketing books in?
I was asked recently about my books and what order you should read them in. That’s an interesting question. The order they came out in is not necessarily the order you should read them in. What order you should read my books in depends on what problems you’re facing. Are you struggling with creativity? Start…
Free yourself from marketing data prison
Stuck. That’s the most common thing I’ve heard from marketers like you when it comes to making use of your data. You get stuck when you try to analyze your data. You get stuck when you look for insights. You get stuck trying to create a coherent strategy from your analysis. The worst stuck is…
Marketing contains 32 times more data than you can see
This is an excerpt of my upcoming book, Marketing Blue Belt. Pre-order your copy now! Data. It’s the lifeblood of many businesses, the cornerstone of great marketing, and the most confounding problem companies and marketers face today. Today, we’re surrounded by more data than ever before. Think about something as simple as a Tweet on…