Search results for: “feed”

  • Chris Brogan Must Make His Brain API-Aware

    Chris Brogan Must Make His Brain API-Aware

    One of the slides in my presentation about derivative thinking is the black box slide. You don’t care what’s in the box – you know what comes in and what goes out, and that’s all that matters. The contents of the box, as long as they work reliably, can be invisible or opaque.

    This is the essence of an API. You don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. You do know that reliably, when you put beef in the machine, burger comes out. You know that when you hit send on your end, data appears at the destination location, but what happens in between here and there isn’t important.

    Black box API thinking is one of the skills that I promote. You don’t care what something does, you just care that it does it. Then you start bonding things together, a bit like Legos from our childhood. Building block by building block, you assemble the pieces together in different combinations to yield powerful tools.

    So when I say I want a project lead, this isn’t a job. It’s not a technology (though it could be). I want someone to volunteer their blog, a sliver of their focus, a fraction of their time, and some of their interviewing skills to finding out whether the existing social media tools, when harnessed and dashboarded, might make some kind of formidable tool in the world of drawing attention, establishing a relationship, and then driving part of the relationship’s actions towards an outcome.

    When you have a pile of tools, examine what they do, learn what they do singularly, and then start plugging one into another to derive greater powers. Plug Feedblitz into WordPress, plug MySQLAdmin into both of those, then plug MySQLAdmin to LinkedIn to get a cleaned list of people. Suddenly, each individual tool’s powers are magnified.

    The thing Chris is looking for isn’t a technology or even a project lead. He’s looking for someone who can combine tools into great powers.

    What tools in your toolbox do you have that can be bonded together to make even more powerful tools?

  • Podcasting is missing half a million in Europe

    We as podcasters may be missing half a million or more audience members, and we don’t even know it.

    Here’s the thing I noticed all over Stockholm, and other European PodCampers confirmed in other countries – there were an awful lot of people listening. They had headphones jacked into devices all over the place.

    FEW of those devices were iPods. Of the ones that were MP3 players, the iRiver T series seemed to be the player of choice.

    For every MP3 player I saw, I saw 10 mobile phones being used as media devices. Mobile phones that were spinning up music, content, and everything primarily from telco carriers.

    I also learned that there are an awful lot of handsets equipped to be able to listen to podcasts – most of the Nokia N and E series phones supposedly can – and that the only thing missing is a way to get the listener to subscribe easily. Right now, asking the user to key in an RSS feed is far below optimal, but if we can figure out a way to get one click subscribe working on those handsets, then podcasts can join the music on headphones everywhere.

    If you had the opportunity to have your show – audio or video – on half a million more devices, to half a million more listeners, would you? And how much would that be worth to your show?

  • I don't care about podcast demographics and neither should you

    Okay, that’s not strictly true, but it is true that podcast demographics aren’t terribly important to me for the purposes of audience building. Why? Because this is new media, not broadcast media. What’s the difference?

    In broadcast media, you send out a message to your target audience and hope there’s enough relevant people in that database that some of them take action and buy your product or service. Broadcast marketers tend not to give a rat’s ass about feedback unless it involves a lawsuit; the only feedback they want to hear is the ringing of the cash register.

    In new media, you send out a message to people who want to hear from you. Not only do they want to hear from you, they want to talk to you and each other, and if you do your job well as a new media creator, they’ll want to talk to lots of other people about your media. Here’s the thing. Except for the highest profile people like the Scobles and Pirillos of the world, it’s very hard to quickly make a judgement call on who is an influencer and who is not. Thus, either you spend a crapload of time researching everyone carefully in your database, or you treat everyone like an influencer.

    That’s the secret that broadcast marketers are missing. For example, with my show, the Financial Aid Podcast, a broadcast marketer would say, okay, the audience is students, so specifically market and target 18 – 21 year old American students. If a listener who is a 33 year old parent of an 8 year old and a 5 year old, broadcast marketing tactics would say completely ignore that person, because they have no sales potential.

    However, that broadcast marketer is going to miss the fact that said parent has their own podcast with thousands of listeners, and a positive mention of your show could instantly add 10% more audience to your own show. New media marketers understand this one fundamental tenet (which is also a Buddhist one):

    Everyone is connected.

    In your marketing efforts, step back and think about your audience, whether you’re a broadcast marketer or a new media marketer. Are you excluding a group of people from your market segmentations – and if you are, who do they know that you’re no longer able to reach? If you have advertising on your podcast – do your advertisers understand that demographics are less important than word of mouth and influence?

    Edit: I’m clarifying this post to mean demographics shouldn’t matter as much for your audience building efforts as a podcaster. The subsequent post will explain why they’re still relevant to advertisers.

  • Is C.C. Chapman a Podcaster?

    Is C.C. Chapman a podcaster? Does he produce podcasts? Recently, I tried out the Songbird browser, which is part iTunes clone, part Firefox. When you browse any web page with MP3 links and/or RSS feeds, Songbird brings up a panel, kind of like iTunes’ mini-store, that lets you listen to the MP3s, download them (or queue them for batch download), and subscribe to the RSS feed. It’s a podcast producer’s dream browser in a way – instant connection for the audience members who want to listen right now, who want to subscribe, or who want to queue up selected shows for later listening. I decided to point it at a couple of web pages – my own, of course, at the Financial Aid Podcast, and I was rewarded with my most recent shows.

    Now, before I continue, I should clarify something. C.C. Chapman is not only a good friend and a brilliant guy, he’s also the Podfather of New England. C.C. started the first podcasting group in the area as podcasting was just getting started, and that became the New England Podcasting network. He’s unquestionably not only a podcaster, but a podcasting pioneer.

    I decided, let’s check out C.C.’s show, Accident Hash. Since I’ve been a little hard on Podshow recently, I figured I’d show off Songbird pointing to C.C.’s page on Podshow, show a little love. Was I surprised. C.C. is not a podcaster. There’s no MP3s to download, no RSS feed to subscribe to, no way to get the show, his show, right then and there.

    CC Chapman is not a podcaster

    I headed over to, and found that on his own site, C.C. is a podcaster. MP3s, RSS, the full deal.

    CC Chapman is a podcaster

    So, in the tradition of trying to help Podshow Suck Less, I offer this suggestion to the development team at Podshow – on Podshow podcasters’ home pages on Podshow Plus, put links to the MP3s and RSS feeds – use the Auto-Discovery links so that browsers like Mozilla Firefox, Songbird, and Google Desktop-enabled browsers can find and subscribe right then and there. It’s a fast, easy way to quickly get new listeners.

    Nothing is more transient than a web site visitor. You’re lucky to get 5 seconds of their attention. If they can’t be rolling with the Podshow podcast they presumably came by to tune into immediately, they’re gone – and that listener may never come back. If you need the syntax for the auto-discovery, use this HTML:

    <link rel= "alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title ="RSS 2.0" href ="" />

    This goes between the <head></head> section of the page and lets any browser find the RSS feed of choice. Please help C.C. Chapman become a podcaster again.

  • US Airways Customer Service Sucks

    This would be funny if it wasn’t me.

    I’d booked Flight 1091 at 6:30 AM out of Boston to Dayton, Ohio for the Stephen K. Hayes Full Moon of May meditation seminar. Everything seemed fine – e-ticket booked, confirmation email received (Travel Confirmation: B4P74G, ticket 03721357878361, passenger name Christopher Penn in case anyone from US Airways eventually reads this), etc. I get to Logan Airport this morning an hour and change before my flight is supposed to depart, great. Get to the self-service counter to check in, and the machine says, “No seats could be found for this reservation number. Please try again.” A couple more tries of this, and the machine finally spits back, “No seats could be found for this reservation number. Please see an agent at the booking counter.”

    Of course, being Memorial Day weekend, the lines were on the long side, so after a 40 minute wait in line (getting really worried because the flight’s leaving SOON), I see an agent who brusquely tells me, “I’m sorry, we have no record of your reservation.”

    [insert profanity here]

    After expressing things internally, I said, “Okay, so there’s no ticket even though I booked one. When’s the next flight to Dayton?”

    “4:30 PM, getting in at 9 PM.”

    Not much good that will do me, since the 2 day seminar begins at 1 PM and concludes the first day at 9 PM. I head home after cancelling a bunch of reservations and calling my teacher to let him know briefly of the foul-up.

    When I got home, my wife urged me to call the airline and get a refund. So I called them up – 480-693-6735. The audio voice response unit kept telling me to submit a refund request online, and then when I queued up to speak to a customer service agent, the helpful prompt said, “Due to unexpectedly high call volume, your estimated wait time is 47 minutes.”

    I bailed out of there, unwilling to wait 3/4 of an hour on the phone, and instead headed online to submit an electronic refund request. Here’s the email response I got:

    Thank you for submitting your refund request via e-mail. We are experiencing an increase in customer e-mail and are working diligently to respond to all inquiries; however it could take between 45 and 60 days to review your request. If this schedule will not provide a timely response, please contact our Refund Department directly at 480-693-6735. When calling, please have your 13-digit ticket number beginning with either 037 or 401 available.

    Your refund request is subject to additional audit and final approval by the US Airways Refund Department. All refunds are credited to the form of payment of the original ticket.

    Thank you for choosing US Airways.

    I’m sorry, 45 to 60 DAYS to review an email? I could send the email by carrier pigeon one word at a time faster than that.

    Needless to say, I’m beyond pissed at US Airways for terminally poor customer service, and on top of that, I don’t anticipate getting a refund without a struggle, which I’m not looking forward to.

    I’m most amused by the closer: Thank you for choosing US Airways. Yeah, that’s a mistake I won’t make again.

    US Airways, and any airline that’s currently worried about staying in business, here’s a tip: if your business is in trouble, improving the quality of your customer service is the only thing that will save you. Take your entire marketing budget – all of it – and dump it all into customer service, because frankly, that’s where you need the most help. Pay your staff to not be surly, or hire people who aren’t surly, figure out a way to communicate with customers that doesn’t involve hold times approaching geological epochs, and make your damn computers work correctly.

    Here’s my last bit of petty revenge. According to the web site, the customer service fax number is 800-892-3447.

    FAX: 800-892-3447

    I hope junk fax spam bots send you Caribbean vacation offers endlessly. May the junk faxes and scams all use US Airways to book their fraudulent, non-existant offers.
    us airways
    us air


    Epilogue: US Airways eventually extended me a credit for the flight… and a $150 fee to use it. #!@# you, US Airways. I’m glad to see this post is #4 when you Google US Airways customer service.

    Did you enjoy this blog post? If so, please subscribe right now!

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  • Why MySpace marketing is still relevant

    A lot of folks on the cutting edge have already written off MySpace and headed to different online communities. This is perfectly understandable – MySpace has been plagued with spyware, usability issues, and an image problem that Madison Avenue firms would cringe at. The cutting edge has left, and the hip crowd has left for greener pastures.

    So, who’s left?

    Everyone else. MySpace is over its Dip, if you’re a Seth Godin follower, and is gaining widespread, mainstream adoption. When the cashier at the supermarket, when the 47 year old account, when the woman on the street is talking about MySpace, it’s hit the mainstream, and the reality is that the bulk of your market – unless it’s cutting edge technologists – is in the mainstream.

    Now is the time to refocus your MySpace marketing efforts. The bots and scripts are slowly coming back, the service is more aggressive about spam, and the numbers of mainstream users are swelling every day. As of this morning, approximately 4 profiles were being added PER SECOND.

    Marketing to MySpace members now also needs to take a more mainstream-friendly approach. If you’re a podcaster, telling people to copy your RSS feed’s URL won’t fly with the mainstream crowd. One click is the limit – make it so easy for your new MySpace audience to get to what you have to offer.

    If you follow powerlaw distributions, about 80% of your potential audience is in the mainstream, and they’re just arriving at the party now. Late to the party, perhaps, but they’re bringing spending money, and at the end of the day, that’s what counts most.

  • Fuel for the engine

    In talking with a friend tonight, I posed the question:

    “What do you feed your brain with?”

    Power comes from within you. True, there’s a lot to be said for things like money and Rolodexes, power lunches, etc. but these are outward symbols of what’s going on inside your mind. The conversation got me to thinking about some of the things I fuel my brain with, and that in turn got me thinking about publishing a list of some of my favorite pieces of brain food. All of the food below is free to access!

    1. Mitch Joel at PodCamp Toronto – Building your personal brand. This is a 45 minute video that is worth paying for, but amazingly is free. If you finish watching this and your personal sense of identity is not refined, you need to watch it again.

    2. Malcolm Gladwell on Spaghetti Sauce – TED conference. A great session that gets you thinking about choice and happiness.

    3. Julien Smith discusses SEO – a great primer and refresher on the basics of search optimization. If you have any desire to understand the real power behind monetization and podcasting, then you need to listen to this episode of Canadian Podcast Buffet.

    4. Managing the Gray with C.C. Chapman – a great marketing podcast that will get you thinking about new media.

    5. New Comm Road with Bryan Person – a far more tactical perspective of the tools of new media, with techniques and specifics for implementation.

    6. Tony Robbins at TED – another great video on what makes human beings tick. Tony’s legendary in the human performance community and his stuff is ALWAYS worth watching.

    7. Stephen K. Hayes. Master instructor, master practitioner of ninjutsu, just about everything he does and creates is instantly usable and worthwhile. Some stuff will take a decade or so to marinate. His speech, Faces in the Mandala, is a must-read.

    My good friend Chel also reminds us that there’s great music to be had all over the place that is a profound source of inspiration as well. That is an entirely different blog post.

  • New Media Realty

    Two sets of people are selling their houses right now – my parents, and C.C. Chapman‘s family. Being the new media nerd I am, it got me thinking – how would we apply the tools of new media to real estate? I was going for a walk tonight with my wife, and we walked by a house that was for sale, as so many are these days. One thing that caught my eye was that instead of the traditional placard where a realtor’s name was, there was instead a domain name, which I thought was pretty clever.

    Of course, one look at the web site and it looks like Flickr had an accident on the way to the toilet, but the branding of the property as the domain name was a good idea.

    What tools do we have at our disposal for helping to sell a house when we really want to? Your average realtor, no slight on the profession, doesn’t have the time or history to be able to explore and understand a property beyond its most superficial characteristics, which is why the descriptions of real estate listings are repetitively bland and uninspiring.

    So let’s play a bit with some new media tools and a house listing. Since I don’t know if C.C.’s house is listed, nor do I have his permission to reveal where he lives, we’ll work with my parents’ house. I went out to GoDaddy and bought (use code HASH3 for $2 off) and will repoint it to this blog post tomorrow when DNS finishes updating.

    Suppose you want to know more about 15 Cambridge Drive, Annandale, NJ. A Google Map to get there might be nice. If you’re a Google Earth user, I might include a Google Earth KML bookmark.

    Without an appointment, obviously you’re constrained to just drive by, but you can schedule an appointment with realtor Beverly Attinson.

    Office: (908) 735-8140
    Fax: (908) 735-8372
    Mobile: (908) 578-3902
    Email: Link here

    To see the MLS listing, visit MLS Listing ID 2397426 in New Jersey.

    The house is for sale at $619,900. A quick check on Zillow shows not enough data beyond a tax assessor’s estimate, but that price is definitely in the ballpark for the area.

    Now, let’s get into some actual media. If I were still living there, I’d obviously go shoot some video, but we have to make do with the photos on the realtor web site. Where new media can shine is to tell the story behind the story. I’d probably create an MP3 that prospective buyers could listen to on an iPod as they walked through the house, but text will do for now. I’d also have key selections of podsafe music loaded up as interludes for people to listen to as well – probably a hefty dose of Rob Costlow, since it’s that kind of house.

    New Media Realty 4

    The front of the property is a nice, well manicured lawn. Realtors will call it well cared for, and I will call it 45 minutes to an hour to mow with a push mower. The front lawn is fun to play on, and the street, Cambridge Drive, is really quiet, quiet enough that it’d be mostly safe for your kids to play on the lawn safely except maybe during rush hour. The house is located in suburbia, so most everyone commutes to other parts of New Jersey or New York City.

    New Media Realty 5

    The living room. My parents have always kept this room as a more formal sitting room – there’s an equally large family room on the other side of the wall, just past the stairs, where we’ve always had the TV and sofa set that us kids were allowed to sit on. The living room is BRIGHT in the mornings – full southern sun, so if you want a warm place to sit and read, this is the place.

    New Media Realty 6

    This picture of the kitchen kind of sucks. It shows the eat in kitchen, but it doesn’t show the tremendous amount of cabinet and countertop space. Growing up, we’d always sit on the counters and get yelled at for the same, but the kitchen food prep area itself is really fantastic. The table in the background there is where we had dinner every night without fail, for as long as I can remember living in the house until I left home for good. It was and still is the hub of the house, as it’s centrally located on the first floor and almost every room opens into the kitchen area. I truly believe that one of the reasons we had such a social family growing up was the fact that the kitchen made it easy for us to always run into each other, sometimes literally. (of course, when you were a teenager who was in trouble, trying to avoid your parents, it’s not so optimal…)

    New Media Realty 7

    This is the sun porch, probably the crown jewel of the downstairs. This is a three season porch that is fully glassed in – if you wanted to make it four season, you could by opening the kitchen ducts to it, but we never saw the need to do that. The sun porch, which we always called the deck, looks out on the heavily wooded backyard, where we have several birdfeeders hanging from trees. My brother and I would have legos and Construx scattered across the floor from as soon as it was warm enough to open the room for good (usually April) until it got really cold (right after Halloween), and we’d play in there all the time. The deck is right off the kitchen, which also made it easy for my mom to keep tabs on us and make sure we weren’t getting into too much trouble. There’s a sliding glass door behind the camera’s point of view that opens to the rear of the house, so we could run outside if we wanted to.

    New Media Realty 8

    Another less than perfect realtor picture of the master bedroom. I rarely spent time in there, since it was mom and dad’s bedroom, but it’s big. Really, really big. Cathedral ceilings with exposed beams, and room for just about anything. There’s also a walk in closet and full bath you can’t see behind the camera. When we got older, we always took showers in the bathroom in the master bedroom, because it was the nicest shower – glass with the massage showerhead and all that.

    New Media Realty 9

    Another weird picture. This is above the garage. Used to be a walk in attic until I was… I think maybe 10 years old. I can’t remember. My parents had the walk in attic converted to a sort of home office, but this room was more than that. Two skylights and those oversize, overstuffed recliners meant the perfect place in the house to read, relax, and more often than not, fall asleep in the middle of the afternoon. The best time, actually, was when it was raining – the sound of rain on the glass skylights inevitably meant nap time. Even when I was home from college, visiting, I’d fall asleep in the attic room.

    Where realty often falls short is that it doesn’t tell the story behind the house. Realtors try to make a house as generic as possible, to create as much broad appeal as possible, but when you think about it, that also makes it difficult to emotionally connect to it. As Ze Frank says, which has stronger appeal – Grandma’s cookies, or old people’s cookies?

    I honestly look forward to seeing what C.C. Chapman does to sell his house, as he has so many new media tools at his disposal. This blog post is really a pale imitation of what you can do with new media, as it’s just words and static photos. Ultimately, I think new media has the potential to transform realty from just a mere transaction to an emotional experience, and that may help to sell houses in a tough market.

    C.C., what do you think?

  • Action is all that matters

    Action is all that matters.

    The podcasting world has been obsessing about metrics lately, and I thought I’d pitch my two cents in as a podcaster whose show makes a fair bit of coin in the world of student loans. Here’s the rub:

    Action is all that matters.

    Forget audience size. Forget CPM, PPC, Adsense, and all of the monetization strategies that are being bantered around, because unless you’re already a highly successful web entrepreneur with a large web-based audience, these strategies will largely waste your time.

    Why? Most advertising models are based on mass media. They’re holdovers from the radio and televison broadcast days, when there was no clickstream, no digital tracking. You slapped up a billboard in Times Square or ran an ad in the Washington Post, and they told you how many people roughly might see it, and charge you a rate based on those numnbers.

    Those numbers are largely unhelpful. Why? Because podcasting is a high engagement, narrow band communications mechanism. If you want mass media audience sizes, then go work for the mass media and use the existing, established tools that work in mass media systems. Podcasting is not mass media – it’s niche media.

    Here’s a question: if you sell Gulfstream airplanes and you want to reach your goal of selling one every two years (which will feed a family of four and house them VERY nicely), how many audience members in your podcast do you need? The answer is: one that buys a plane from you every two years. If you have 100,000 listeners or viewers and none of them buy a plane, you effectively have no audience for monetization purposes. If you have 5 listeners and one buys a plane from you every six months, you have all the audience you’ll ever need and then some.

    Action is all that matters.

    I sell the services of the Student Loan Network. That means that my audience listeners need to get connected with our services. If I have 100 listeners and 99 are customers, my podcast is a success. If I have 1,000,000 listeners and none are customers, my podcast is a failure.

    What if you don’t sell airplanes or loans? Find something that fits your audience well and pays decently, and if you can’t find anything, either start a podcast in one of the industries that pays well, or find a different model to pay the bills and put food on the table. At PodCamp NYC, I mentioned during the marketing session that you already have over 10,000 advertisers at your disposal through affiliate programs, or pay-per-action. Instead of trying to sell artificial sweetener on a technology show, sell technology on a technology. It will better suit the needs of your audience, and will likely put more food on your table.

    Why don’t content producers like the affiliate program model? Simple – it pushes the responsibility for sales to the content producer. If your program sucks, but you’re getting paid on impressions (CPM), then you will still possibly earn a few bucks. However, if you work in the affiliate model, your audience will likely never buy a product from you and you won’t make any money at all. That’s why advertisers are willing to pay more for affiliate programs versus other forms of advertising – the risk has been offloaded to the content producer.

    Make a podcast that rocks the house. Make a podcast that inspires your audience to become a real community, to lend you their trust and appreciation, and then judiciously connect your community to products and services that are a great fit, and you will make frighteningly good money.

    Action is all that matters.

  • Twitter Updates for 2007-03-29

    • Doing a little stumping on LinkedIn for PodCamp NYC. They’re still short about $5K despite massive campaigning. #
    • Going to go hunting for venues for JobCamp now. #
    • Planning out tomorrow’s episode. It’s Financial Aid Podcast #500. Got something to say? 206-350-1208 #
    • In Second Life at Matthew Ebel concert. #
    • Matthew Ebel concert MOVED: #
    • @DrewOlanoff: #
    • @JaffeJuice: ask Chris Brogan to do his BarCamp Boston presentation on social networking in the 1700s. It’s phenomenal. #
    • asleep #
    • Off to work. Got new Matthew Ebel bootlegs loaded on the iPod. #
    • Final call for comments for Financial Aid Podcast 500: call 206-350-1208, leave a message! #
    • @Bryper: heck no. The community’s been so generous with feedback, there’s not much show left for me to do 🙂 You all rock! #
    • Pitching in as I can to help PodCamp NYC. Budget shortfall ~ $5K due to venue change. Sponsors needed, financialaidpodcast at #
    • says avoid Google Pay Per Action. I think Scott’s conclusions are wrong. What do you think? #
    • @jmoonah: Don’t discount Soundtrack Pro. For intense audio editing, it whips the pants off of Audition. For super fast video prod – iMovie #

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