Search results for: “feed”

  • The State of B2B Social Media from MarketingProfs B2B Forum

    The State of B2B Social Media from MarketingProfs B2B Forum

    I’ve been attending and speaking at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum for a couple of years now, ever since stepping in as a pinch-hitter at the 2008 conference. What a difference a couple of years can make!

    Two years ago, people were asking what Twitter even was. Whether Facebook was more than just a place for kids to hang out and post drunk photos. People were marveling at the power of YouTube and MySpace – especially MySpace, wondering what their MySpace strategy should be.

    I was thrilled to see this year that the audience had collectively advanced so much. People knew and accepted what Twitter was, what Facebook was, what social networking was. This year, the common thread among the discussions was more about strategy and integration.

    toolboxAs I put it during several interviews, it’s like we went to the social media home improvement store. Two years ago, people were asking what a hammer was, how to use it, and why you’d even want a hammer. Today, we know what the hammer is.

    The collective challenge now seems to be, at least for the B2B marketers I had a chance to interact with, how stuff works together. Continuing the home improvement analogy, people know what a hammer is and what a saw is. People can even use these tools competently.

    We’re at a point now, however, where people don’t know how a hammer and saw can work together, what role each tool is supposed to play, and how various tools can complement each other.

    Ultimately, we’re on track towards building the house of our dreams. Our next challenges lie in understanding how tools work together, how they complement and empower each other, and how to skillfully combine their use to build that house.

    What’s your take on the state of B2B social media?

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    The State of B2B Social Media from MarketingProfs B2B Forum 1 The State of B2B Social Media from MarketingProfs B2B Forum 2 The State of B2B Social Media from MarketingProfs B2B Forum 3

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  • Are you an expert or a connoisseur?

    ETC2010Are you an expert or a connoisseur?

    Being an expert in something is one thing, but being a passionate connoisseur of a subject is a completely different level. The expert gets to a level of proficiency and tends to stay there until their area of expertise is rendered obsolete by change.

    The connoisseur is ever adapting, ever growing, ever learning, not necessarily because they have commercial demands to meet as much as they want to have the best possible experience for themselves.

    This is an important distinction. Experts tend to be externally driven, usually by commercial motives. Connoisseurs tend to be internally driven, demanding the absolute best for themselves. The connoisseur will chase down knowledge, materials, and experiences to extreme ends for a better experience for themselves. The connoisseur is obsessed with having that perfect experience.

    Given a choice between hiring an expert on a subject matter and hiring a connoisseur, I’ll take the latter any day, because I know their self-motivation and relentless demand for the perfect experience in their area of passion will keep them growing and changing with the times without any prompting from me.

    Here’s the million dollar question: in your chosen profession, in your chosen hobbies, are you an expert or a connoisseur?

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    Are you an expert or a connoisseur? 4 Are you an expert or a connoisseur? 5 Are you an expert or a connoisseur? 6

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  • What World of Warcraft's Patchwerk Can Teach You About Recovering Morale

    What World of Warcraft’s Patchwerk Can Teach You About Recovering Morale

    PatchwerkLast night, our guild downed Patchwerk, a giant abomination in Naxxramas, for the zillionth time. Patchwerk isn’t a challenge any more – in fact, he hasn’t been a challenge in a really long time. We bring our 10 man team in and in about 11 minutes from start to finish, we crush Patches, loot his swollen, bloated corpse, and move on with our evening…

    … and I love him for it. I love that he’s absolutely no challenge whatsoever because sometimes, you just need some easy wins to rebuild your momentum. When life throws you challenges, you get to step up, learn more about yourself, explore and go beyond your limits, and ultimately become a more powerful, better person.

    That said, challenges that are never-ending can grind you down. They can, if you’re not careful, wear you out. Going 120% all the time means you run out of fuel much faster, and that can create significant gaps in your personal momentum and progress from burnout.

    That’s why non-challenges like Patchwerk are useful, productive, and essential to you. You absolutely need some stuff that’s easy-mode, that’s a sure-fire victory to bolster your morale, provide some mental breathing space, and give you perspective. What was once a hard fight, what was once a hard battle, is now a walk in the park and that change in perspective can be incredibly reassuring. You can measure and see objective results about how far you’ve progressed by how easily you crush your formerly difficult enemies.

    If you’re pushing the boundaries of your personal or professional life, who’s your Patchwerk?

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  • What your personal brand can learn from the legend of the ninja

    What your personal brand can learn from the legend of the ninja

    ninja relicThe ninja warriors of old were greatly feared by their adversaries – shadowy operatives with superhuman powers that could single-handedly turn the tide of battle or bring clandestine death to their enemies. The ninja were capable of nearly any feat, from vanishing in a cloud of smoke to mind-controlling their enemies. Facing a ninja on the battlefield without a lot of backup meant a nearly guaranteed defeat, if not death itself.

    Of course, like most historical legends, there’s a little more to the story. In many cases, there was far more than a single, lone ninja agent at work. To a guard at a fortress, however, one masked ninja looks just the same as the next, a misperception the ninja were all too happy to take advantage of. Assuming that a soldier survived the encounter, the ninja they faced off against yesterday wielding a sword might in truth be a completely different agent with different skills than the one they’ll face today with a battle-axe. The ninja fostered the legend of the ultimate warrior to serve them well, making opponents fear them and mentally defeat themselves even before the battle started.

    What’s the common thread with your personal brand? Look behind the scenes of any major persona that you follow and you’ll find a veritable army of folks that make up that persona. You’ll find secretaries, marketers, assistants, organizers, agents, and others working in the shadows to make the public persona as successful as possible.

    In many cases, the people who make up the machine behind a popular personal brand aren’t seeking any particular fame for themselves, or are at least willing to subordinate their own desires for the success of their employer. Their background work gives the public persona a perception of being far more skilled and competent in a variety of practice areas than the person behind the persona may have.

    How do you make this work for you? If you’re looking to build your own personal brand, start looking for opportunities to collaborate and work with others, especially with folks who have complementary skill sets and skills in areas where you have significant personal gaps. Think of it as your own personal ninja clan of sorts. Contribute your own skills to their areas of need and you’ll strengthen your clan and every member in it. Like the ninja clans of old, you don’t actually need to be a master of everything – just be excellent at a few things, and turn to fellow clan members for the areas in which you lack strength.

    Ultimately, the goal is for each member of your clan to appear to have the skills of the whole, for you to be seen as a consummate expert alongside your fellow clan members – and the general public may have absolutely no idea that you’re all working together.

    Who’s in your ninja clan?

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  • What's your glass sword?

    Glass swordGamers old enough to remember Ultima’s role playing game back in the 80s and 90s will remember one of the most treasured weapons of all, the glass sword. This powerful weapon was both incredibly strong and yet incredibly weak. It held one promise: use it on an enemy for a guaranteed kill, but shatter it in the process, rendering it useless. It was the ultimate one-shot weapon, and it was indeed a rare treasure that you’d only use when things got dire. Certainly, you’d never use it for something mundane.

    Think about all of the tools, strategies, and tactics you have at your disposal as a marketer. What’s your glass sword, your one unbeatable weapon that you save for the rainiest of rainy days, knowing you’ll shatter it in the process? What resource do you hold back until things are really dire, knowing that there probably WILL be something worth invoking it for?

    If you as a marketer don’t have a glass sword somewhere in your arsenal, why not?

    If you as a marketer do have a glass sword, how can you get more than one?

    What is your glass sword? Love to hear about it in the comments!

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  • 6 minute stressbuster meditation

    A few folks have lately needed to make use of this 6 minute guided meditation I made a few years ago. It’s not tied specifically to any one tradition or religious practice, just a way of getting yourself recentered by using your senses and some music. Give it a try, and let me know how it works for you.

    6 minute meditation MP3


    Please DO SHARE IT with anyone you think might benefit from it.

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  • We live or die on our database

    Jeff Pulver, co-founder of the Vonage Internet phone company and creator of the VON and 140 conferences, has an expression that you absolutely must take to heart:

    “We live or die on our database.”

    In the age of social networking and social media, it’s easy to get lost in the clouds. It’s easy to believe that the cloud, the network, the ethereal presence is always there, has always been there, and will always be there…

    … Except when it’s not. The cloud, the meta, fails. Sometimes it’s intermittent and momentary, when the network connecting you to the cloud becomes unavailable. Sometimes it’s considerably more permanent, when a cloud provider goes out of business, when a network shuts down, or when your account is terminated with or without your consent or even awareness.

    The only guarantee, the only insurance policy you have against the fallibility of the cloud, is to own your database. Own it in whatever data format you’re most comfortable with, but own it. Download the database as often as you can, as often as is necessary, to ensure your continued access to it.

    One recipe is the email newsletter. Create one of value and relevance and then persuade every person over whom you have influence to sign up for it. That database is yours (even if you switch email providers) and you can take it with you no matter where you go.

    Another recipe is a network provider that lets you keep your data. As of this writing, the one major provider that lets you keep your data is LinkedIn. Encourage people to network with you on any provider that lets you download the entirety of your database and take it with you. Endorse, support, and promote providers who do not hold your data hostage.

    We live or die on our database. Without a database, there is only death.

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  • Attention to detail

    I was traveling around Northrend the other day, looking for zombies to send to Amber Naslund for her Social Fresh St. Louis keynote – after all, there’s no place to find zombies like the Lich King’s backyard. On one of my stops at the Shadow Vault, I took the time to look at The Leaper, a (now) friendly geist hanging out along with Vile, the giant wandering abomination.

    I noticed for the first time just how detailed The Leaper is. A large skeletal zombie of sorts with a single eye and a hangman’s noose around his neck, he’s the epitome of creepy – and even though I’d spent more than a few hours looking at him and his friends while finishing quests at the Shadow Vault, I’d never really noticed how detailed he was.

    Attention to detail is one of those skills that we often are forced to develop in the workplace, and as a result, the skill is developed reactively, with only punitive feedback received for insufficient skill. We’re very rarely rewarded for its use and only punished for a lack of it. As a result, many of us – myself included – rarely make use of it outside of workplace routines to its fullest potential, and miss out on some of the enjoyment of our leisure time.

    Take some time in your next burst of leisure time to see what you might be missing. Slow down, see what details there are in what you do for fun, and you might find your leisure to be much richer than you thought…

    … and of course, the stealth move is that if you squeeze more juice out of your leisure time with attention to detail, chances are your skills in the workplace will magically accelerate, too.

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  • The significance of being unfollowed by me

    I got an interesting question from Ethan Griffin via Twitter yesterday:

    @cspenn Quick question… Did you unfollow me on purpose? or is it one of those new fangled tools you have?

    The short answer: ascribe absolutely no significance to being followed or unfollowed by me. As I joked in response, if Jason Falls is the Social Media Explorer, I’m the Social Media Mad Scientist with beakers and test tubes filled with APIs, data files, SQL statements, and PHP scripts. That’s what I do, experiment with stuff until it blows up – thus, the significance of being followed or unfollowed by me is roughly zero, since I’m not explicitly assigning any value to who I follow or unfollow beyond whatever I’m working on at the time.

    The original question does raise a followup question though: how much weight do YOU assign to someone following you? Given that the level of commitment is near zero, does someone following you have any material significance? Why would you value that in any way, given that following isn’t required in order to have conversation or create a valuable relationship?

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  • Which is the real home?

    Which is the real home?

    Imagine yourself standing inside your home (be it an apartment, condo, house, or other place to live) and looking out the window. See the world as it passes by, see the seasons come and go.

    Now, change places. Imagine yourself standing outside your home, looking in the window. See life as you live it, meals served and eaten, holidays celebrated in the way you do at home.

    Here’s a question: Which view is the REAL home?

    What a ludicrous question, huh? They’re both your home, from different perspectives. Outside looking in or inside looking out, it’s still your home, just from different points of view. They’re both real, both valid.

    Seems logical, doesn’t it?

    So why do so many of us work so terribly hard at managing others’ perceptions of ourselves as separate and distinct entities from how we see ourselves?

    Imagine how strange a home it would be if you had separate, one-way windows for looking out and for looking in. Wouldn’t that be a little creepy? Wouldn’t that be horribly inefficient?

    The closer you can get to looking out the same window that everyone else is looking in, the fewer windows you have to maintain and keep clean, and the easier it will be for you and the world to see eye to eye.

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